Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [Wh det] it might [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It has received meticulous counsel from one of the nation 's highest courts about what it might wish to say on the subject in the future .
2 While this spared the Bush Administration from the perils of thinking for itself , or heaven forbid , taking a policy decision for which it might get criticised , it naively ignored the danger that Bonn might have a large axe of its own to grind .
3 Those who like Jenny in our case-study find themselves avoiding conflict at all costs , never facing up to issues , never expressing hurt or anger for fear of what it might release in others , need to do some work on this point .
4 On 7 June an emergency meeting of the NSFU Executive was held at which Father Charles Hopkins , standing in for the absent Havelock Wilson , pointed out the disastrous financial effects which participation in such a stoppage might have on the union and the peril in which it might stand in respect of its hard won provincial settlements .
5 This led on in later generations to a widespread belief among orthodox Christians that the Bible should be looked upon as a compendium of truths directly revealed by God , inerrant and totally consistent in all its parts , and thus the supremely authoritative source of information not only on points of doctrine but on any other matters on which it might touch .
6 Washington also contended that the grant of long-term credits to communist states in general was robbing the West of useful weapons with which it might hope to influence the conduct of both the USSR and China .
7 Fleming had called it a ferment , or enzyme , but that did not take matters very far , and gave no hint of what it might ferment , or of what substance it attacked in susceptible microbes .
8 He followed the principles set out in the Gillian case and concluded that a local authority had a ‘ governing reputation ’ capable of being damaged by libellous statements in respect of which it might sue for injury to reputation without the need to prove damage to its property .
9 As part of the process of clarifying what might be meant by brainwashing , I proposed a working definition of what it might mean to make a choice :
10 In theoretical terms , too , it is hard to object because , of course , everybody has their own detailed definition of what it might contain .
11 It was the fear of death and all the ways in which it might arrive : shooting , strangulation , suffocation .
12 For some suggestions on what it might do , if we can ever find it , see Johnson-Laird ( 1983 ) .
13 With Richter , one is left with the impression that there is not one single note ( whatever the rate at which it might emerge ) which is n't absolutely essential to the overall design , and there are pitifully few Liszt performances of which that can truthfully be said !
14 There 's a sense in which it might sound rather strange , I think Simon was there was something in this guy that is attractive I think .
15 From this it follows that we could give some account of what it might mean to ‘ change the context ’ in the sense in which Fillmore ( 1977 : 119 ) envisages this when he says ‘ I … find myself asking what the effect would have been if the context had been slightly different . ’
16 With the coat-collar of his Burberry turned up , he reminded her of a private eye in a film — she was under surveillance , everything about him accentuated his detailed analysis of her appearance , and she felt a shiver at what it might portend .
17 The planner was elevated to the role of a coordinating ‘ technician-craftsman ’ ; the practice of civic design as perceived by Holford would ‘ elevate the plan from technical , functional competence to the level at which it might cater for the cultural , emotional and aesthetic needs of a civilised society ’ ( Cherry and Penny , 1986 , p. 158 ) .
18 Interruptions in her employment experience , reductions in her mobility and labour market bargaining power are all ways in which family responsibilities reduce women 's pay below what it might have been .
19 I 've got no idea of what it might fetch , but as I say it is fiction Kath , do n't worry about it .
20 We can examine individual finds or groups of them in different ways , depending on how the find was made , the area in which it occurred or the problem on which it might throw light .
21 But because it is deictic it is context-sensitive , and there are a number of ways of using the utterance The sun shines brightly and a number of contexts in which it might occur .
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