Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [Wh det] [noun] can [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The ratio can rise either as a result of an increase in OM or through a fall in P. The only route through which OM can rise is a temporary budget deficit financed by the issue of fiat money .
2 However , and rather more fundamentally , Rose goes on to make the point that " the gap between what governments can do and what the public ( and for that matter , the government ) wants to achieve is greatest in the management of the economy " .
3 Thus a conception of justice is framed to meet the practical requirements of social life and to yield a public basis in the light of which citizens can justify to one another their common institutions .
4 The standards set out guidelines against which practices can measure how well they manage themselves .
5 The State of Nevada is famous for the speed with which couples can marry — and divorce .
6 Survival into the mid-term depends on speed with which individuals can adapt to unfamiliar criteria and incentives .
7 one would expect a large variation in the fluency with which teachers can instruct in sign language ; many would have had no more than a relatively short course .
8 Here , different timber was used to repair a damaged sill and , in time , the new timber has shrunk away , leaving an ugly gap into which water can soak .
9 Delivering economic development means creating an environment of enterprise and capability within which success can bloom .
10 In the USA , legislation at both the State and Federal level often similarly defines the parameters within which schools can consider the curriculum .
11 It is an ideal setting in which visitors can see at a glance the high standard of design and quality in keeping with Sweden 's reputation for advanced and stylish design .
12 Today there are many ballets which are created in the generally accepted styles from which choreographers can borrow : classical , demi-caractère , romantic , character and/or national , and modern ( see pages 75–138 ) .
13 With the exception of two seminars on the assessment of enterprise skills , the focus on teaching and learning was taken out of the programme and shifted to a two-day conference ( with a menu of sessions to which staff can opt in ) held in June 1993 in conjunction with the Educational Development Unit .
14 Occupational therapists seem to be rare in their concentration on what people can do rather than what they are unable to do .
15 The speed at which bacteria can mutate and their readiness to pass around packages of genetic information means that bacteria are poised to react to selection pressure with rapid and substantial genetic changes .
16 At the other extreme of the fishes ' habitat , in the depths of the ocean , around 750 metres and below , there is no light by which fish can see one another 's signals , so many create their own .
17 There is now a possibility of a more or less homogeneous Europe , in the south-eastern part of which Greece can find a distinctive role for itself , and can therefore more confidently feel part of the wider Europe .
18 It is a good example of the way birds will take advantage of what man can provide , once they are confident they will not be molested .
19 Polanski , on the other hand , was , in Jack Nicholson 's view , the recipient of Western justice : ‘ His situation is a very interesting case of what notoriety can do to you .
20 And unlike temporary social groups , the work group has long periods during which members can check the authenticity of the power bases .
21 I hope that all hon. Members accept that adult education is an amazing vehicle through which people can have more fulfilled lives in respect both of leisure and of their professional careers .
22 It 's just a question of which clubs can afford me .
23 The rhetorical approach stresses that ideologies do not necessarily function to suppress argumentation and thinking , but provide the elements with which people can think and argue about everyday life ( Billig et al . ,
24 The energy crisis which we 're in at the moment , and which will , although it 's temporarily abating if we judge the prices on the oil market , will not go away , is one of the most important areas in which chemistry can contribute .
25 Development via responsibility , and development in different areas of business gained through other divisions of the TM Group , all areas in which staff can develop different skills . ’
26 Even today , the bookshops of Hamra Street and Sassine Square contain shelves of expensive photographic records of the fighting , coffee table books with colour plates in which readers can study at their leisure and in detail the last moments of a young Muslim militiaman before the firing squad , the anguished eyes of a Palestinian mother pleading for her family before a hooded gunman , a Christian family lying massacred inside their home .
27 The popular appeal of proportions and percentages is probably precisely because people understand that they can not go below 0 or above 1 ; the boundaries set a frame of reference in which people can interpret a particular result .
28 There will also be a ‘ menu ’ of six visits from which visitors can choose before going on to a buffet supper with members of the Faculty .
29 An important question for those with this Marxist perspective relates to the circumstances in which capital can maintain this ideology and prevent the raising of consciousness of labour as to its own class position .
30 In the domain of educational aims , it is possible to pick out three main areas to which linguistics can make important contributions :
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