Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 East Germany , where the lingering Protestant work ethic marched shoulder to shoulder with Leninist concepts of electrification as the vitalizing force that would change society , has the world 's highest per capita emissions of sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide .
2 Small investors will pay less than institutions for the first instalment though how much less will not be known until June 29 after the international offer closes .
3 A man of action all his life , David went into the Army in the RAMC as a young man and later trained as a State Registered Nurse in a civilian hospital .
4 He said he would be pressing for the expulsion of several members of the local association who had privately aired derogatory views about a black candidate while publicly supporting him .
5 Patient views about the appropriate role and relationships between themselves and general practitioners will also be explored .
6 By way of introduction , this chapter outlines three views about the proper role and status of the media : the Mobilizing Ideal , the Libertarian Ideal , and the Public Service Ideal .
7 Views about the proper role and function of judicial remedies to control government activity are inevitably political in nature in the sense that they concern the allocation of decision-making power in society .
8 Details have still to be worked out , but Chez reckons that with the aid of his home computer and his Nintendo Boot Sale Blitz game , he and I can milk off a tidy sum whilst still leaving the club with a small profit .
9 ‘ I have been at ITN for a long time and come from a traditional news background .
10 Captain George Sutherland , director of marine operations for Shetland Island Council , said : ‘ The proposals for traffic separation should go a long way to providing protection for the adjacent coastline and we are content with the measures . ’
11 The American law of libel , including as it does no protection for the individual politician as well as political institutions , goes further along the road of freedom of the press than the English law ; nor would I wish to extend it .
12 Structural work had to be restricted to ‘ the minimum compatible with the provision of a reasonable standard of protection for the ambulant patients and the staff not required to remain on duty ’ .
13 ‘ I wo n't get a grant for an extra year and I do n't suppose you 'll pay up . ’
14 One is obliged to note , however , that Dame Sirith does very little else to support the case that the Anglo-Norman fabliaux stand between the French tradition and English fabliaux .
15 In 1924 , the All Blacks undertook internal matches against Auckland and Manawatu as preparation for a European tour and promptly lost 14-3 to Auckland , who in those days were nothing like the force they are now .
16 The abandonment of the 1956–62 IRA military campaign was highly ambiguous and from outward appearances it was possible to interpret republican actions as either preparation for a renewed onslaught or as a delicate operation to keep the movement together while its direction was fundamentally changed .
17 This is in preparation for the new Sprinters when they come into service .
18 However , as EC businesses restructure themselves in preparation for the single market and as previously protected industrial sectors are open to competition for the first time , takeover activity is one means by which new corporate entities can be created and structured on a pan-European basis .
19 Major topics in this literature are marital happiness , the division of labour and the general patterning of husband-wife roles ; the combination of women 's employment with marriage , and its consequences for husband-wife and mother-child relationships ; the inter-relationships between the nuclear family and the wider kinship system ; and the ‘ captive wife ’ syndrome — the socially isolated situation of women with young children .
20 I remember I was once experimenting with a gauze — it had been in La Scala for a hundred years and was full of dust .
21 A joint money laundering steering group was convened to revise UK money laundering guidance notes for the financial sector and examine how a new statutory requirement for employers to train relevant staff in recognising and reporting suspect transactions will be met .
22 The big glass and the notes for the big glass , he wrote , not the big glass by itself and the notes by themselves , the big glass and the notes for the big glass , the notes for the big glass and the big glass , he wrote , never the one alone or the other alone , for neither by itself has any meaning , neither by itself will have any force , but always both together , not as text and gloss , not as image and caption , but always as exchange and delay , mirror and reflection .
23 It also highlighted a complex network of contracts between the two teams and suggested the need for clear lines of communication .
24 We can certainly agree that coal sales are dominated today by the contracts between the generating companies and British Coal .
25 Meanwhile , Chancellor Helmut Kohl yesterday described German longing for unity as an historic fact and said those trying to ignore it were making a ‘ serious mistake ’ .
26 Look at your diary for today and identify the end-result for every single meeting and action you have planned .
27 I know people get tired of appeals , but I urge them to organise fundraising for the echo-cardiograph equipment as undoubtedly a great number of people will follow me through the coronary unit and the machine will surely be of great help to them .
28 After delays caused by unforeseen difficulties with the foundations , the steelwork for the new workshop and museum has been erected .
29 Progress was recorded at a second round of discussions between the transitional government and the rebel Rwandan Patriotic Front ( FPR ) on Aug. 10-18 in Arusha , Tanzania .
30 One national company succeeded so well in getting its slogan onto the race course during a sponsored meeting that the TV company refused to film again unless some of the items were removed .
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