Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] to [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 During the Second World War , Sir Barnes Wallis designed the ‘ Bouncing Bomb ’ of Dam Busters fame , which did much to turn the tide of war to victory for Britain .
2 We engaged a solicitor to look into the matter and he became convinced that there was I wo n't say a loophole , that there was a reason why this should not be done and er requested the Committee of Management to Court for advice .
3 Barristers and solicitors together with certificated notaries ( who are normally also solicitors ) and licensed conveyancers enjoy a statutory monopoly which makes it an offence for any other persons to draw up or prepare documents connected with the transfer of title to property for payment .
4 Thus irreducible elements are seen to be the fundamental building blocks with respect to multiplication for the system Z.
5 A decision that a local authority should take proceedings for libel , if the action were available at law , would probably be made by the majority of councillors in defence of the reputation of the council with reference to conduct for which that majority might be responsible ; and the proceedings would be conducted at the expense of the local taxpayers .
6 The headship of the amalgamated department will be assigned by the Hebdomadal Council from time to time for specified periods of not less than five years to one of the persons holding an established academic post in the department , normally with the title of professor or reader .
7 take the view that erm they are put up by the Council from time to time for various reasons .
8 Typescripts photocopied and distributed that carried the rivulet of dissent from eye to eye for the few who trusted in a future of change and the ultimate destruction of the monolith that controlled their lives .
9 The median years for return to work for the next cohort , who had their first birth between 1975 and 1979 , is estimated to be only 3.7 years .
10 The records of the Council Committees are historically an important point of access to information for all these groups .
11 Following this election victory , however , Tory fortunes were more mixed : Butler 's electioneering budget , with substantial tax-cuts , rebounded as imports rose sharply and the exchange rate of the pound came under pressure , forcing the introduction of ‘ stop ’ measures ; Eden 's popularity waned rapidly even before the ignominy of attempted intervention at Suez in 1956 , which then shook the ‘ Great British ’ imperial ideology that provided a pole of attraction to Toryism for sections of all classes in society .
12 Intellectual fascination with communism had been a feature of the 1930s ( naturally enough given the gloom and despair of that period ) and Communist Party membership surged during the war in response to admiration for the Russian military effort .
13 The report , entitled Assessment of Constraints on Space Shuttle Launch Rates , also notes that additions to the maintenance system and equipment will be needed to bring down ‘ turnaround ’ time — the period from landing to readiness for the next flight .
14 If the move from prose to verse for a person of a higher rank represents — when honestly carried out — a gesture of respect , the failure to do so can signify deliberate disrespect .
15 It is suggested that pupils choose a person whose Christian commitment has led him/her to work for the good of others , thus making a link with the Christian vocation to alleviate suffering and/or the work of Christians in relation to respect for human life ( both indicated in L.0.2 ) .
16 Martin and Roberts ( 1984 ) show that , among women whose first child was born between 1970 and 1974 , 51 per cent had returned to paid employment within 5 years , and that the median period before return to work for this group was 4.8 years .
17 On Oct. 23 , 1989 , the United States Anadarko Petroleum Corp. concluded a dollars 100,000,000 contract with Sonatrach to prospect for oil in a 21,000-sq km area of the Sahara .
18 This set-up allowed Thomson to compute the ratio of charge to mass for the particles which the experiment seemed to show must compose the rays .
19 The coupon yield curve is a plot of the yield to maturity against term to maturity for a group of bonds with the same coupon .
20 The par yield curve is a plot of the yield to maturity against term to maturity for bonds priced at par .
21 We were allowed out of Croatia without any trouble but the Slovenians searched the lorry from top to bottom for weapons before allowing us through .
22 The owners in May , 1973 , had entered into a very advantageous agreement to charter the tanker on completion to Shell for three years , and they would have lost this advantage if the yard carried out its threat .
23 These include a major conference in July 1982 for representatives from each of the Major Project schools at that date , courses on study skills in fourth-year and fifth-year project work , half-day courses on study skills in relation to science for prospective Major Project schools , and two open courses on effective learning and study skills .
24 The painting was agreed to by Luce in part to recompense for what she saw as her misjudgment of her dead friend .
25 To mark the opening , Seve played a hole with selected partners , many of whom had donated sums of money to charity for the privilege .
26 This issue will be discussed further in Chapter 5 where the predictions of schema theory in relation to memory for driving are considered .
27 A simple leaflet routinely given out to patients before admission to hospital for common , straightforward operations , explaining the operation they are to undergo , common after-effects , the discomfort and temporary impairment of function likely to be experienced , and so on , may prove to be helpful in the sense of increasing feelings of control and might well aid their recovery .
28 Equations ( 23.28 ) and ( 23.30 ) form a pair of differential equations with respect to time for the displacement Δz of the particle and its temperature change ΔT in its displaced position .
29 Young men with periodontitis had a nearly threefold increased risk of death from coronary heart disease but only about a 50% increased risk of admission to hospital for coronary heart disease .
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