Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] take [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The men 's fear of change took the form of vociferously defending the status quo in which after all they had everything to lose .
2 The competition to determine the dominant College of Magic takes the form of a violent contest of magic in which gladiator wizards and their followers battle to defeat their rivals .
3 Gohlke has written thoughtfully about the way in which photographs can appear to embrace features of the past , the present and the future : " Projecting oneself into the future so that one can view the present with more apparent dispassion , and projecting an image of the past onto the future in order to take the measure of the present are different strategies .
4 need to know , need to know , I do n't know mum , I could n't tell you just erm stick it on before you go to bed just give it a bit of time to take the chill of it , alright , bye You can if you wish discard everything that 's just been said I mean my mother 's trying to book my holiday which does n't surprise me , , but then again she usually tries to anyway , where you going ? , what you doing ? , who you going with ? right , I shall tell you now the exam questions shall I ? , what do you want to know ?
5 He — in his little bit , sitting on a different spindly chair — had the presence of mind to take the opportunity of delivering an onslaught on the Snow school of criticism , the stranglehold they have , their implication that there are worthwhile characters who ‘ matter ’ and others that can not have any importance .
6 This means that the aesthetic exploitation of language takes the form of surprising a reader into a fresh awareness of and sensitivity to , the linguistic medium which is normally taken for granted as an " automatized " background of communication .
7 The Committee of Management took the advice and went to the High Court and as a result the proposal was stopped .
8 Gollum can not now resist grabbing it for himself , he succeeds but leans too far and falls into the Cracks of Doom taking the Ring with him .
9 it 's a waste of time taking an umbrella anyway
10 Romance , in his novels , is set against the inconvenient intervention of reality taking the form of chance .
11 Synthesizing any new protein molecule from scratch takes a matter of minutes .
12 Patrese on pole took the lead again , but Mansell went flying past within seconds and from then on , there was no stopping no catching him .
13 He obviously still took us for a couple holidaying together , and his embarrassment at intruding took the form of ignoring my presence .
14 The Court of Appeal took the view that it remained unclear whether the court had so resiled .
15 In other words , compressing one minute of video took an hour and a half of real time .
16 Three dozen assorted fight fans and hangers-on and a dozen Mexican sportswriters and cameramen milled around listlessly as the self-proclaimed King of Boxing took the stage to deliver another high decibel paean of praise to hype his latest promotion .
17 The essence of pristine Labour policy had of course , and largely through the influence of Tawney , found its way into the official Hadow Report of 1926 : ‘ Selection by differentiation takes the place of selection by elimination . ’
18 Let the Town and Country easel from Daler-Rowney take the strain !
19 Let the Town and Country easel from Daler-Rowney take the strain !
20 All theories of legitimacy take the form of establishing a principle which , while it resides outside power and is independent of it , locates or embeds power in a realm of things beyond the wills of the holders of power : the legitimacy of power stems from its origin .
21 Sir Adrian believes it is very much the responsibility of a captain of industry to take the lead in such matters and to define the sort of company you want to become .
22 1.18 We were asked in paragraph 3 of our terms of reference to take the Kingman Report into consideration .
23 Words which are meant to be symbols of reality take the place of what they stand for .
24 This means of discrimination takes the place of visual examination of the area .
25 It is now commonly agreed that a better way of appraising projects is to use a method of discounting such as discounted cash flow ( DCF ) or net present value ( NPV ) as rate of return takes no account of the timing of receipts .
26 He swung his talons powerfully forward in the way Minch and Kraal had often described , he pulled back his wings to drop faster through the air , he pushed down towards the shelduck and with a great splash and spray of water took the bird powerfully in his talons .
27 At the least , the ironworks contributed to the steady clearance of the scrubbier parts of the local woodland ; by the later seventeenth century like the much more wasteful and mobile glass industry of Tudor and Stuart Sussex , they had exhausted much of their best local fuel , and the increased use of coke took the industry elsewhere .
28 The drop in inflation took every City commentator by surprise .
29 Students tend to leave towards the end of the season in order to take a vacation before returning to college ; but it is not only amongst this group that turnover levels are high .
30 Much of Oakeshott 's writing on politics takes the form of a critique of Rationalism in post-Renaissance political thought .
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