Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun sg] [pron] could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 There are several sorts of truth I could tell about this decade of work .
2 It seems likely that it involved the utilisation of the X-rays emitted by the fission bomb trigger to propagate the explosion throughout the charge of thermonuclear fuel ; travelling at the speed of light they could initiate the fusion reaction in all parts of the charge in a time much less than could be achieved by shock waves ( travelling at perhaps 104m/s ) , so that a substantial degree of reaction Could occur before the material was dispersed by the explosion ( New Scientist , 2 September , 1982 , p641 ) .
3 There is also fear of involvement which could become burdensome especially since many neighbours will have their own worries about relatives .
4 It was the only crumb of comfort he could salvage from the ordeal .
5 The most probable source of this innovation , however , would seem to be the nomadic herdsman of Central Asia , who possessed both an abundance of rug-making material ( i.e. , wool provided by their sheep ) and the need to combat the harshness of climate and terrain ; it is likely that they discovered — possibly by accident — that by looping or knotting short lengths of wool through a flatwoven piece of material they could produce much more comfortable and durable rugs .
6 James was always making drawings on every piece of paper he could lay hands on — even his father 's sermons were not safe .
7 As a simple rule of thumb we could say that major differences in thermoregulation are determined by whether heat is derived solely from the environment , or is entirely internally generated , or is somewhere between the two .
8 ‘ There 's a tin of pork we could have as well , ’ said Mick .
9 ‘ Tourist ’ was about the worst term of abuse you could use .
10 RIGHT Dogs often enjoy a run along the beach but watch out for any traces of tar which could adhere to their feet or coat .
11 However , by assimilating and making their own so many Greek gods , literary conventions , artistic forms , philosophical ideas and social customs , they put themselves and the Greeks in a unique reciprocal situation ; the more so because they made their own language an instrument of thought which could rival Greek and render Greek ideas with remarkable precision ( though the Greeks never quite accepted the fact ) .
12 I hung on , keeping one eye on Neil in case I could help him , and the other on Stormy Petrel .
13 Moreover , through their well directed efforts , that vast resource of past literature and scriptures , every item of which is capable of innumerable interpretations , could be saved from that ultimate oblivion and loss to humanity which could result from its sheer overwhelming quantity and complexity .
14 The contractions returned , and my husband got out all the books on pregnancy he could find .
15 Edward would come and live on Grace , which would save the rent he was paying on his rooms at present ; the girls , once they were not being prayed for at the grotto , would agree to go back to the nuns ; and with Tilda at school she could go out herself and look for a job .
16 Now there 's us working working , taking everything in , working slowly taking everything in piece by piece we could end up with a job at the end of it cos we know what we 're doing .
17 ‘ You could install it and with five minutes of training you could use it .
18 Under certain states of consciousness he could become aware of the subtler dimensions of the landscape and wrote :
19 The main purpose of this paper , apart from saluting a distinguished colleague , is to alert excavators to the possible existence of evidence which could help to refine and clarify this present vague outline .
20 This is never done to motorists , where a very substantial minority of abusers literally get away with murder , despite the existence of technology which could reduce speeds substantially .
21 She needed every scrap of self-confidence she could rustle up , she thought , then grinned crookedly at the wary light in her eyes reflected by the glass .
22 For one thing , he found it hard to accept that anyone who lacked the advantage of being American could pose much of a threat , and for another , he needed every scrap of material he could get from any quarter , even the newspapers , to sustain the nonstop barrage of reports he was firing into headquarters .
23 A European commission has ruled he 'd been denied access to justice and refused freedom of speech which could open the way for the new hearing .
24 Fearing public disorder and a wave of sympathy which could boost Mrs Marcos 's campaign for the presidency , the government announced it would not allow Mr Ferdinand Marcos 's embalmed remains to be brought home until after next month 's elections .
25 And we were living in very a abnormal times , and women were snatching at a little bit of happiness they could get , you know this is what it was .
26 Then we wrapped ourselves in every bit of clothing we could find and lay down on the ground to get some sleep .
27 And while he was on the film set or wherever he was you know , away from home for the week , he 'd be playing around with every bit of skirt he could find .
28 What followed was the only bit of gamesmanship you could accuse Lee Trevino of .
29 If I started again I would like to have … ( 1 ) a ghost writer , not for my speeches but for my letters and statements : he would be the kind of person who could take the Ministry 's policy and translate it into the kind of words I would use ; ( 2 ) perhaps an economist ; and ( 3 ) a general investigator whose job it would be to brief me so that I could participate intelligently at Cabinet Committees and in Cabinet on subjects outside my own Department .
30 ‘ That 's better , ’ said Joe , ‘ in that kind of mood I could put you on a horse and let you join in the charge of the Light Brigade . ’
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