Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [v-ing] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A case for staying at The Lygon Arms .
2 We may not all want to be ‘ artists ’ , producing and performing work , but arts events can provide another accessible route for looking at the world in relation to disabled people .
3 The rules contain no provision about standing at the hearing stage , but the basic test of sufficient interest appears to apply at the hearing stage as well as at the leave stage .
4 This strategy is particularly interesting in that it implies an awareness of a lack in the Oxfordshire scheme , which provides neither guidance on strategies for looking at the curriculum nor criteria for judging its appropriateness and adequacy , but merely requires teachers to do it .
5 Stewart Raynsford and Peter Kemp were found slumped in their unlocked cell just hours after arriving at the jail and it was assumed they had been attacked by fellow inmates .
6 You may make a switch of this kind after starting at the Bar .
7 When Geoffrey son of Sarah of Empingham resisted this illegal demand , the forester raised the hue and cry upon him , and distrained him until he gave him two shillings and found sureties for appearing at the attachment court .
8 The machine , an original Boston Tacker from the early nineteen hundreds was prepared by Taffy for showing at the exhibition this month at Wellingborough branch .
9 Jacopo Bassano ‘ The miraculous draught of fishes ’ , to be shown at the Kimbell Museum in Fort Worth , Texas , from 23 January to 24 April , when the major Jacopo Bassano exhibition transfers to the States after closing at the Museo Civico of Bassano del Grappa on 6 December .
10 In all our dealings with the head teacher we found that he consistently refused to accept that the methods of teaching at the school were failing our son .
11 Accounting and Business Research is edited by Bob Parker , Professor of Accountancy at the University of Exeter and Chris Nobes , Coopers & Lybrand Professor of Accounting at the University of Reading .
12 Shares in Pentos fell by an alarming 20% last week after the group issued warnings that pretax profits for 1992 would be ‘ significantly below ’ market expectations and that its final dividend would be reviewed ‘ in the light of trading at the time of the preliminary announcement in March ’ .
13 In the garden of the Adam and Eve , Theodora drank sherry and gave herself the pleasure of gazing at the spire of the cathedral .
14 PROPERTY CHAIR : A new Chair in Property Development and Asset Management is to be sponsored in the Department of Surveying at the University of Salford by the RICS North West University Trust .
15 It is this that I had in mind in proposing at the outset my three notions and calling one of them , the last , language as replay .
16 Now at this point I want to sort of take a break from looking at the development of the Communist Party to looking briefly at the peasantry because although the peasantry have been in the background for much of the time , we have n't actually looked in any detail , so far , at the condition of the peasantry in China .
17 Lord 's secretly warned Surrey in writing at the end of the 1991 season .
18 Coming on the heels of last week 's selling — some would call it over-selling — the endorsement provided a welcome boost to trading at the start of the new three-week account .
19 The middle paragraph , which summarizes Sadat 's condition on arriving at the hospital and the doctors ' report , is expanded into three pages in the Arabic version .
20 One basic decision you have to make is whether to index a card by writing at the top of the card a theme/keyword or a name of an author/title .
21 Peons were even brought in sustain the illusion by prodding at the land , and a bulldozer chugged about .
22 Finally , noting the prominence of assertions to the contrary , by Conservative speakers , we will conclude this chapter by looking at the relationship between crime and unemployment .
23 The current research programme aims to bridge this gap by looking at the interplay between organizational processes of technological change and economic consequences .
24 ‘ Within five minutes of arriving at the office I have enough information to discuss any changes needed . ’
25 On the most recent occasion , supervisor Melvyn Relly had his vehicle stolen within minutes of arriving at the office , and with faint hope of success , Nick Graham , surveyor , drove Melvyn out to where the last car was recovered along streets neighbouring the Nottingham office .
26 The method I prefer , however , is just to make a play of looking at the coin after each few rubs on the elbow .
27 The sound of the trains and the flash of their silvery sides through the trees was part of living at the School .
28 This will have the advantage of coming at the beginning of a new financial year .
29 For practical reasons , fieldworkers adopted a policy in these cases of knocking at the door of the nearest house of a similar type ; since the survey was based on geographical area and housing type , this seemed a reasonable way of obtaining data from a range of addresses while conserving time and resources .
30 Her nudity provided a carte blanche that hours of queuing at the press tent could never have done .
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