Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 As we have repeatedly noted , however , politics and religion for Israel at the time were inextricably associated — were , in fact , essentially different manifestations of the same thing .
2 The Mayor of Bedford for the time being was always to be an additional director and at the time of the meeting the Mayor was John Wing , who had been sworn in on 29th September 1793 , and served for one year , after which he remained as one of the aldermen .
3 Charles Short , the surgeon , was Mayor of Bedford at the time and as such , the presiding coroner :
4 Erm but er when the war finished , when the war finished and the Home Guard stood down , I ca n't remember who was the mayor of Walsall at the time , but they had a reception in the town hall for the Home Guard and everyone that was in the Home Guard was invited before we hand before we st handed our uniforms in , was invited to attend and I must say with great pride that I was can still remember it now , that the wife and I went to the reception and I was in the uniform and it 'd be the mace bearer I presume that was at the door and he asked your name and er rank and he shouted out your name and rank when you went in and you was greeted by the mayor and mayoress inside the ves the hall of the town hall , and erm I mean er quite proud to be Corporal and Mrs you know and it I mean everyone that went , I mean their rank and name and who was with them , you know , was it was quite quite a er er quite a something of to look back to of interest that was , you know , when we stood down .
5 The appearance of a Frithuric among the Middle Angles in the reign of Wulfhere 's successor , Aethelred , giving Bredun , probably Breedon on the Hill in Leicestershire , to the monastery of Peterborough in the time of Seaxwulf , Wynfrith 's successor as bishop of Lichfield , and Breedon 's connection with the monasteries of Bermondsey and Woking in Surrey , raises the intriguing possibility that Frithuwald was a Middle Angle intruded into Surrey by Wulfhere or at the very least that Frithuwald represented a ruling family in Surrey which had strong Middle Anglian connections .
6 On the other side of Europe , a century earlier , researches have shown the monastery of Fulda in the time of its abbot Hrabanus Maurus ( 822–42 ) to be administering a large network of parish churches .
7 Tony Visconti explains why , although he was making an album with David at the time , he refused to produce the ‘ Space Oddity ’ single as he thought it was passè because the moon shot was about to take place , and the lyrics ‘ sounded like a nick from Simon and Garfunkel ’ .
8 The basic figures we have for this emigration — 100,000 prisoners of war brought from Palestine into Egypt by Ptolemy I ( Aristeas 12–14 ) and 1,000,000 Jews in Egypt at the time of Philo ( in Flacc. 43 ) — are almost certainly both false .
9 There were in fact a small number of such Chetniks in Austria at the time , the 400 Montenegrins at Viktring , although there is no evidence that Gen Robertson was aware of their existence .
10 In fact , as he later admitted in court , he had been represented by a lawyer from Newcastle at the time of signing to Virgin : not a music-business lawyer , it was true , but a lawyer none the less .
11 The organisers had already begun to promise a strong local bill topped by the two biggest attractions in Manchester at the time , The Chameleons and , of course , The Smiths .
12 The Darulhadis would thus , arguably , have been the ranking medrese in Edirne at the time .
13 These migrants were pushed from station pillar to post from the moment they left their homes in Europe to the time they settled in the western United States .
14 The downtrodden captives in Egypt at the time of the Exodus came to realise that Yahweh , the only self-existent one ( Exod. 3:14 ) , was a mighty deliverer who could be trusted .
15 There were only three other black kids at Repton at the time and Hope had to withstand some daunting reactions to his presence at the club in the East End of London .
16 We just prowled around the halls at RCA at the time , going in any doors that were open and asking for things and demanding things .
17 It may even be that the Eadwulf who challenged the accession of Osred , son of Aldfrith , in 704 , and whose son was with Wilfrid at Ripon at the time ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 59 ) ( see below , p. 146 ) , was of royal Deiran extraction .
18 The man who offered this piece of advice turned out to be Lord Cole , who was chairman of Unilever at the time and went on to be chairman of Rolls-Royce and several other major companies .
19 The Kaszubes had not been interested in the fate of Poland at the time of the partitions , and had been reasonably well satisfied by early Prussian rule .
20 From their article on the latter it is clear that Taskopruzade and Mecdi suppose him to have been located at the Zincirli medrese at Aksaray in Karaman at the time of Molla Fenari 's period of study with him .
21 Bradley explains that of the 70,000 visitors in LA at the time of last year 's riots not one was injured .
22 But the fact remains that there is no formal record that AFHQ had specifically been informed of the approach of the Croats to Austria at the time when Robertson drafted his signal .
23 I remember the incident well as I was an ATCO at Dunsfold at the time . ,
24 A number were still pursuing court cases against SWWA at the time of writing .
25 However , according to Dave Ball — who was European Marketing Director for Artisoft at the time but has now switched camps to take up the same role at Performance — the deal fell through at the end of last year .
26 As regards the numbering of their years , the Jews used the same era as the Seleucids of Syria from the time they came under their rule , in the second century BC , until the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 AD .
27 Degenhart 's thesis met with the approval of Berenson at the time , but certain Italian art historians expressed hostility .
28 Not a challenging or penetrating tour of enquiry , especially as the population of Aberdeen at the time must have been not less than twenty thousand .
29 I 've got one in Battle on Tudor Battle , all about the dissolution of Battle Abbey and erm what happened to the town afterwards ; one on Elizabethan Rye , which is erm was notable because it was the largest place in Sussex at the time , a very important port , a lot of trade for London went through Rye , and there 's a lot of stuff relating to piracy and erm warfare .
30 I 've got one in Battle on Tudor Battle , all about the dissolution of Battle Abbey and erm what happened to the town afterwards , one on Elizabethan Rye , which is erm was notable because it was the largest place in Sussex at the time , very important port , lot of trade for London went to Rye , and there 's a lot of stuff relating to piracy and erm warfare .
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