Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pron] it could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Though the social survey method was not extensively used in Chicago-inspired studies , and there was some scepticism about what it could achieve for sociology compared to field research , with the appointment of Ogburn in 1927 , a statistically trained sociologist , the pace of the development of quantitative methods quickened .
2 Sadly there was no mention of what it could do to a 13-year-old child .
3 And with it , the sudden fear of what it could do to the tourist trade .
4 We reached an agreement with BOC under which it could provide the welding hardware that we would sell with our robots .
5 Ed Zschau , chief executive of IBM Corp 's AdStar subsidiary , says the company plans to become known as a consumer products company as well as the leader in commercial storage products , and would pursue all of the market opportunities in which it could offer unique products ; he says AdStar aims to become the lowest cost producer in the industry , taking advantage of its technology , scale and commitment to quality ; speaking at the product launch in San Jose , he said that AdStar would also become known , more than it is today , as a software company ; it expects to have personal computer-oriented products in the retail market before the end of the year .
6 There is no difficulty in explaining how a structure such as an eye or a feather contributes to survival and reproduction ; the difficulty is in thinking of a series of steps by which it could have arisen .
7 It was beginning to take over from the London external degrees , and had already established a substantial range of subject areas in which it could work .
8 The Mersey Docks and Harbour Board was a public-trust authority which was becoming rapidly insolvent , yet there was no way in law in which it could go into liquidation .
9 The 18 neighbours of an animal are the 18 different kinds of children that it can give rise to , and the 18 different kinds of parent from which it could have come , given the rules of our computer model .
10 Holland had both a tradition of national independence to which it could look back , and important colonial possessions , but , like Belgium , was formally ‘ new ’ .
11 The US government felt that it possessed two weapons with which it could influence the Russians .
12 Another kind developed in which the elaborated worm did not attach itself to the sea floor but continued to crawl about and secreted a small conical tent of shell under which it could huddle when in danger .
13 But Ginsberg realised that it was a conditional matter , and the task of sociology as he saw it was to discern and specify the conditions under which it could continue .
14 In other words , the DTI had failed to understand fully its own legal powers with which it could have put pressure on Barlow Clowes .
15 British town planning , both as a movement and as a profession , found that it had a relevance to wider questions to which it could respond .
16 When it met after the Conference it set up a subcommittee to draft acceptable Standing Orders with which it could approach the Labour Party National Executive .
17 There seemed no limit to what it could achieve .
18 Suppose that a company and its potential rivals in a market for a new product are in agreement that the rate at which it could drive costs down is as illustrated in figure 5.3 .
19 The greatest obstacle to the acceptance of the drift hypothesis was not so much the nature of this supporting evidence ( although alternative explanations were readily proffered ) but rather the failure to find a convincing mechanism by which it could occur .
20 ‘ . The transformation of the industry would undoubtedly be both costly and painful but it was the only means by which it could ensure a future for itself .
21 Greece 's natural interest in Europe , like Britain 's , is to be part of a wealth-creating economic confederation , but not part of a political union in which it could get out-voted on something it considered vital .
22 In what many observers regarded as a further example of the new censorship , Gosteleradio on Feb. 1 withdrew from Radio Russia two frequencies giving it an audience throughout the Soviet Union , and assigned to it instead a frequency on which it could reach only 60 per cent of the population and which reduced the quality of reception .
23 The degree of stability to which it could attain remained to be seen .
24 Each science in its infancy has had to establish the assumptions and procedures by which it could claim to extend our knowledge of nature .
25 The spider-web lightning twitched and surged at the windows , as if hunting for some small crack in the glass through which it could get to them .
26 First , as until at least the late 1960's the Club was in poor straits financially — mostly , but not entirely , to do with low membership , there was no way in which it could contemplate buying out the bonds either at par or in instalments ( of not less than £2 10s. 0d. per bond ) as allowed by the rules .
27 And I do n't think there is any realistic way in which it could cope with the flows of a fourteen hundred dwelling new settlement .
28 Once this trend for the relaxation of the 1970 legislation began , the EPA considered that the only way in which it could slow down or stop this erosion , short of a resurgence in the environmental movement , would be to show more flexibility in its administration of the Act , especially towards new industry .
29 His Attorney-General ( his third ! ) resigned in protest , and on 23 October the House of Representatives began to consider the impeachment of the President — he only constitutional way in which it could remove a President considered unfit for office .
30 The only way in which it could have been avoided was for de Gaulle to change his style of leadership .
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