Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pron] [not/n't] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Colleagues , I gave you twelve thousand eight hundred and twelve reasons for you not only to support by raising your hands , but by actively supporting your fellow members in their fight to retain the Wages Councils and to guard and protect their wages .
2 Talking about your worries to someone not directly involved will help you to express your feelings and come to terms with your previous experiences .
3 The well-being of the community — largely composed of dairy-farmers — as a whole was bound up in the extensive municipal common lands , the existence of which not merely helped the poor but put a limit on the land hunger of the richer peasants .
4 I get clues as to how a particular family organises its life , whether the room is a room for the whole family or a , a room that 's perhaps excludes children or a room that 's for best , that kind of which not only tells you something about that particular family but , when you 've seen enough homes , tells you about general patterns that are going on in social life .
5 The razzmatazz of a US election can be an education for anyone not fully versed in politics the American way , but just how does the rather involved system work ?
6 He 's the one who gets the wages for it while I have n't a lira to myself not even to buy a pair of stockings , stuck here in this gloomy hole day after day — and he goes out working , he goes out to work when according to the contract he 's not allowed , I should be allowed but not him .
7 There is , moreover , a specially paradoxical version of it which arises from certain cases in which not only does extra conceptual content have to be introduced to characterize the human prohibition , but also the introduction of that content stands in conflict with the proposed biological explanation of it .
8 Brentano evidently has in mind a relation between something not explicitly mentioned , that which is active , and , on the other hand , contents and objects .
9 To that end Stockman , the director of the OMB and the principal architect of Reagan 's first budget , set about reducing the role of Congress to something not far removed from that of the House of Commons .
10 Some feminist critics have condemned this film for itself not roundly condemning violence towards women .
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