Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [pron] [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It was a family company and I could n't see any future for me as far as equity was concerned , ’ Goodwin says .
2 Therefore he keeps walking , ‘ thinking of nothing so long as he could refrain from thinking ’ .
3 As he felt his own orgasm beginning to pulsate be felt her legs gripping him and drove his penis into her as hard as he could , bursting inside her like a dam .
4 She had spent Christmas with her sister 's family and her own two children in Toowoomba , but was back on deck today as if the festive season did n't exist , and this waiting for Faye 's baby was taking its toll on her as well as on everyone else .
5 Get your entries to us as soon as possible .
6 But when the great general of the Civil War , Oliver Cromwell , lost his temper with the Rump Parliament for trying to monopolize power , and made himself supreme instead , he regretted this war between Protestant countries and set out to make peace between them as soon as possible .
7 I need to speak to Governor Nicholson about them as soon as possible , do you understand ? ’
8 New life , green as the holly leaf , was at work inside him as surely as it stirred inside his wife .
9 It was long since Adam had thought of him so , and he gathered the warmth of their recollection to him as gratefully as if he had salved one bleached and solitary bone of the beloved right hand out of the Severn , and laid it back in holy ground .
10 Ataturk was able to control the mullahs and to find a place for them as well as for merchants and intellectuals in the new Turkey .
11 Others , and particularly the teachers , may seem too busy with their classes for the head to ask them to share this part of the school work-load , there is a shortage of clerical support , the heads want to be seen as in charge of everything as far as possible , and so on .
12 The red-haired striker then saw the keeper make two good saves from him soon after as Coleraine threatened .
13 She suffered one paroxysm of doubt , the first and the last , and a matter of shame to her as often as she remembered it after , when the hour of noon came and passed , and no one sent for her to go into the town and fetch her father to the audience ; and when she ventured to enquire , she was told that one of his Grace 's clerks had already gone to summon Master Parry , and she need not concern herself in the matter .
14 That put the tin lid on it as far as Patrick Kelly was concerned .
15 If you have a strong proposition to put to the consumer , it certainly makes sense to draw attention to it as strongly as possible , and the headline might be the right place to do it .
16 I have had the former fitted up with Drawers for birds and books in hope to work going along and taking a quantity of birds with me as well as left over plates to cut up for box books etc .
17 Think about the shape of the flowers that you are pressing and try to place the blotting paper on top of them as carefully as possible to ensure that they will lie flat under the weights , because once they are permanently pressed you can not start again .
18 You see , it 's not just speaking in other tongues , there is gon na become the evidence of it as well as we grow in him .
19 It occurred to Karelius to wonder whether the fräulein made a practice of confiding her problems to everyone as readily as in this instance .
20 It was clear that the events of 17 May 1968 had left their mark on him as indelibly as they had on Willy Morpurgo .
21 Merrill hugged her jacket around her more closely as they turned into the wind and crossed the road to a small wine bar .
22 In some cases it can be difficult or even impossible to find texts again ( for example if the text is a lecture , or a television programme ) , but you should still keep details of them as fully as possible , so that your reader knows exactly where ideas or words come from .
23 Everything here seemed so unreal that I had to come to terms with it as soon as possible , so that I can begin work .
24 ‘ He does have Paula with him as far as we know , ’ Monica reminded him .
25 At present , the Bartók Quartet have the field to themselves as far as sets of the complete string works are concerned , so these 1974 recordings can be confidently recommended .
26 I had the feeling that Signe had n't dismissed Harvey 's words of caution about me as completely as she professed and I carefully refrained from asking about the parcel .
27 He shut the door behind him as quietly as possible .
28 And , of course , I 'm in love with her as far as I 'm capable of loving anyone .
29 Joyce met his German contact in the Ministry of Propaganda , Christian Bauer , who was optimistic over finding employment for him so long as there was no war .
30 On the other hand , we can not say that people are making up their minds for themselves so long as they are largely unaware of the influences that are playing upon them , and so long as those influences are not essentially diverse and competitive , but generally combine to push their thinking , their attitudes and feelings in a single direction .
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