Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] to [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Plea for incentives to quality produce
2 The necessity for submission to greatness had now come to be placed in stark opposition to a scholarly pluralism .
3 Most businesses will place , or take , orders by telephone , or as a result of face to face dealing , for instance as a result of a representative 's visit or , less formally , at a trade fair or over a business lunch .
4 Others of less consequence are found in the upper reaches of Barbon Beck , but the most prolific concentration of entrances to subterranea lies upstream of Blindbeck Bridge .
5 The whole question of eye care and hygiene and the use and proper maintenance of aids to vision needs to be included and discussed in the health education curriculum .
6 The management 's dilemma with respect to neighbourhood policing in Northern Ireland is that , while communal divisions make it a particularly important style of policing , the people who carry it out on the streets are more identifiable and softer targets for terrorists .
7 As new evidence came to light the risks from exposure to radiation appeared worse and worse .
8 They must , of course , take calculated risks from time to time to achieve objectives which they perceive to be right but not universally popular .
9 However , the furore aroused by the rail link , and continued opposition in Ashford to development associated with the new international railway station , show that , whatever the future benefits of development might be , a substantial proportion of the population wants no part of it .
10 If the number of volunteers exceeded the number required , the company would be prepared to move drivers from quarry to quarry to make up the numbers .
11 After eradication of H pylori the median gastrin concentration in response to gastrin releasing peptide 40 pmol/kg/h in the nine duodenal ulcer patients fell to 68 ( range 23–115 ) ( p<0.02 v before eradication ) , which was similar to the value in the H pylori negative healthy volunteers .
12 An outer-arc ridge , formed of wedges of deformed oceanic sediment and slivers of oceanic crust in addition to sediment originating from the adjacent continent , may undergo extensive vertical development and in some cases rise above sea level .
13 Once this combination has been achieved at the top , the pulling action from the left Latissimus Dorsi , Trapezius and Deltoid starting down will automatically start the transfer of your weight from right to left making it a natural movement for the legs to drive forward .
14 The basic problem was that the switch from autarchy to internationalism had not been fully effected : a free-market economy could not exist as long as its component parts — especially investment , supply of raw materials , and the purchasing power of the domestic market — were still closely controlled by the state .
15 This is one of the most critical manouevres in day to day driving .
16 Yet his subsequent collapse from hero to villain has been as sudden as a Patriot missile strike .
17 Meanwhile , the development of administrative networks has intensified and tactics from counselling to cajoling have been employed , as the efficacy of the legal procedures and their sanctions in the fight against truancy increasingly comes to be doubted in some quarters .
18 The depredations of the crown of thorns ( together with those of hurricanes ) may promote diversity , by forcing areas of reef from time to time to begin all over again .
19 This suggests that a fusion of languages is taking place which can not be explained simply by an appeal to the notion that speakers from time to time animate different personas , some " British " and some " Caribbean " .
20 To soften his feelings , however , we learned that the Professor from time to time gave him a fee which far exceeded the amount of the toll … just by the Bridge , turnstiles admitted foot-passengers to pass by different paths , intersecting the large extent of open ground , some of this led to Somers Town , Red Lion Street , etc … here and there , especially at the lower portion of the [ College ] ground , walls were standing , some of them being eight or ten feet high . ’
21 In the alternative , however , they contended that the payments by Woolwich had been made pursuant to an implied agreement between Woolwich and the revenue whereby it was agreed that the revenue would hold the sums pending the outcome of proceedings to determine the validity of the relevant regulations , and that any entitlement of Woolwich to repayment arose on the date of the first judgment of Nolan J. with the effect that interest ran only from that date .
22 His main interest in mathematics was in its foundations , his ‘ The Foundations of Mathematics ’ ( 1925 ) being the culmination of the reduction of mathematics to logic undertaken in the Principia Mathematica ( 1910–13 ) of Bertrand ( third Earl ) Russell and A. N. Whitehead [ qq.v . ] .
23 The model takes such actions for granted because its reduction of macro to micro has bracketed out the conditions under which it might be put in question .
24 Beardshall and coworkers have shown that suppression of H pylori with tripotassium dicitratobismuthate and metronidazole decreased the response of gastrin to gastrin releasing peptide stimulation .
25 The addition of ornament to beauty makes beauty truly appear beauteous .
26 In prison your whole level of tolerance to noise has to adjust .
27 The first is to show the level of attention to detail required to make the approach work .
28 He does , however , devote quite a bit of space to back slapping .
29 Had we our Annuall Parliaments Settled , the Negative Voice Restrained , a Committee of Lords and Commons to be the Privy-Council , no Officers of the King to serve in Parliament , the Revenue Appropriated , all Eminent Offices had upon good Behaviour and Election of Members to Parliament secured , the Work might have deserved a better Character " .
30 FROM the wrong kind of snow to unforeseen leaves blocking railway lines , Britain 's transport firms are fast getting a reputation for original excuses .
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