Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] who [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Charlie Swan rides Novello Allegro and also Castlina , a recent Navan winner who goes for the three miles handicap hurdle on the opening day .
2 The film is about a murdered rock musician who returns from the dead and , quoting lines from Edgar Allan Poe , seeks revenge .
3 When the programme was originally devised in the USA the families had a therapy aide who slept in the house and carried out the programme with the child .
4 Simpkins , a double-glazing fitter who travels from the Isle of Wight , played on despite early injury .
5 Simpkins , a double-glazing fitter who travels from the Isle of Wight , played on despite early injury .
6 You can also visit the room of Tommaso Grossi , Manzoni 's lawyer friend who practised from the house .
7 Producer-director Arne Glimcher had tapped him for the role after catching his performance in Pedro Almodóvar 's Matador , in which he plays a melancholic bullfighter wannabe who faints at the sight of blood and gets dizzy watching clouds .
8 Conversely an experienced marriage guidance counsellor who transfers to the CAB may be overwhelmed by the immense range of problems that the CAB deals with and find the information system threatening .
9 The true story of a major league baseball star who went from the street corner to stardom and then to armed robbery but is saved from destruction by a one in a million chance .
10 Mrs thomas , a stroke victim who walked with the aid of a zimmer frame , collapsed and died just after .
11 Acquired by Ormond Haydon-Baillie in 1977 along with seven other Spitfires , ‘ 298 eventually ended up in the USA , passing through several owners until being purchased by David tallichet who embarked on the full restoration to flying condition of this rare mark of Supermarine 's famous fighter .
12 Similarly Dr Jim O'Neill , a heart specialist who spoke for the objectors , said that there was no doubt that the factory would have an effect on the health of a small number of workers and local residents .
13 A COACH driver who climbed into the cab of his ‘ lethal weapon ’ for a 300-mile trip while almost three times over the drinks limit was sent to jail yesterday .
14 THE airpass holder who whinged to the Dallas check-in clerk that she had spent all day standing by for a flight out of one of America 's less attractive airports was gently chastised .
15 Portillo , in whom Nigel Lawson saw ‘ something quite out of the ordinary ’ , is the son of a Spanish law professor who fought for the republicans in the Spanish civil war and a left of centre Scottish school teacher .
16 It soon went too fast for him and the village pastor who appeared from the other direction was nearly frightened to death !
17 The all G.P.T. clash in the Rumjahn Cup produced a shock victory for the B team who accounted for the A team 6-4 .
18 A classic example was Brian Rome , a law lecturer who appeared under the banner of the Bristol Conservation Society .
19 AN AMERICAN accused of killing a Japanese exchange student who knocked on the wrong door while looking for a Halloween party said he acted in self-defence when his trial opened yesterday .
20 The Duke of Wellington was happily seated between two attractive young ladies , while Lucille found herself between d'Alembord and a Dutch gunner colonel who complained about the victory eggs , refused the soup , and said the bread was too hard .
21 But Terry Vaux , the WRU committeeman who resigned from the International Board because of the row , has written to clubs in his area , Gwent , informing them that Rowlands had encouraged him to attend .
22 Bethany Megan Robinson says residents of Hammond Drive who object to the closure of Loraine Crescent do so because it stops them taking a short cut .
23 The first statement issued by COPREFA , the armed forces press office , declared that she had been killed in combat and claimed she was a guerrilla combatant who operated under the name of Comandante Lucia .
24 Yesterday he and Botha lunched with Terry Vaux , the WRU committee man who resigned from the International Rugby Board as a result of the South African row .
25 But now she raised her eyes and did look , differently , at Alice , the housemate of a Council official who worked at the main office for this area .
26 Fellow enthusiast Mr John Morgan , an ICI accountant who lives in the village and is secretary of the Norton club , added : ‘ Some of the best players are women . ’
27 It was noted above that these accounts are audited by the Comptroller and Auditor General who reports to the Public Accounts Committee .
28 THE anniversary of the Gulf War ceasefire has been commemorated by 35 members of the Darlington Gulf Support Group who gathered in the town hall .
29 and that has been done by a marketing exec who goes round the country contracting with those clients .
30 In the name of the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit , we dedicate this memorial plaque to the glory of God and to the memory of the men of the Hundredth Bomb Group who served in the cause of freedom and through , from this airfield , may we pray .
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