Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [vb -s] a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Never before or since equalled for its length , number of sets and sheer volume of visual effects , this twelve part story remains a testament to the skills , planning and resourcefulness of Doctor Who 's most formative Director , Douglas Camfield , now sadly deceased .
2 The stock file on the Caterdata package allocates a code to each ingredient which Catering & Allied buys from its various suppliers .
3 As a family Queen 's Park Baptist Church means a lot to us , and it is good to be going into this task with such a strong church behind us .
4 At the other end of the scale , the relocation company assigns a counsellor to the family who assesses their requirements and provides a hand-held viewing schedule .
6 Similarly , when life sentences are reviewed , the trial judge makes a recommendation to the parole board but complaints have been made that too frequently junior Ministers in the Home Office depart from the recommendation , usually by increasing the length of the period of imprisonment .
7 Apparently she thinks his pruning technique leaves a lot to be desired . ’
8 On the village green stands a memorial to the poet .
9 Type Module allows a user to quickly display the contents of a LIFESPAN module .
10 The IOR rule gives a benefit to larger mainsail areas versus adding sail area to the foretriangle .
11 Too often the reason that a project fails is that the team leader enters a department to be met by its manager who sees someone only equal , if not subordinate , in status and , fearing an incursion on his empire , makes it nigh impossible to achieve progress .
12 Adding a new approval record constitutes a revision to the module .
13 Mr X who is fully within the UK inheritance tax regime makes a gift to the settlement .
14 The LOB collocation dictionary makes a contribution to the recognition process that is significant to the 95% confidence level .
15 At present ( autumn 1989 ) the British education system resembles an ant-hill to which a boot has just administered an energetic kick .
16 A Court Scheme represents an alternative to a takeover offer as a method of acquiring control of a public company .
17 Because a Court Scheme involves an application to the court for approval it makes it a more time-consuming , expensive and cumbersome procedure than a takeover offer .
18 The Royal Mail Service booklet contains a guide to delivery times worldwide .
19 Syllabus Design provides an introduction to language syllabus planning for teachers who want to gain a better understanding of the subject in order to develop the skills to evaluate , modify , and adapt the syllabuses with which they work .
20 The sensible use of back-up material provides an opportunity to be really selective in the material sent to particular media .
21 Where a judgment has been set aside or reversed , the county court office sends a certificate to that effect to the registry to cancel any entry if it has been registered .
22 With a hardware.intensive approach this level of control sophistication is not usually available and the control circuit generates an approximation to the optimal operating condition , e.g. the acceleration/deceleration velocity profiles are approximated by linear ramp functions .
23 In cases involving the supply of goods ( which is the only case where consumer status makes a difference to the effect of a term in a standard term contract ) the definition is , of course , restricted by the third limb of the definition of " consumer " : the buyer only deals as a consumer if the goods are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption .
24 To cause minimum inconvenience to the locals , the flight commander calls an end to the tactical phase of the exercise and we begin a climb from What is colloquially known as the ‘ weedosphere ’ up to the dizzy height of 1,000 feet .
25 For one thing , the attitudinist view escapes an objection to subjectivism made by Moore that if when I say an action is bad I report my negative feelings towards it , and when you say it is good you report your positive feelings towards it , then there is no disagreement between us ( since we will probably both agree that the other has the feelings he reports ) which Moore thought an absurdity .
26 A Freedom Fighter fires a bullet to an enemy group consisting of twelve soldiers and three civilians all equally exposed to the bullet .
27 A WIN on the Daily Mirror 's sparkling Diamond Bingo means a trip to Euro Disney is on the cards for David Hughes 's eight grandchildren .
28 However , the current legislation and Government policy requires a level to be set and the present level is reluctantly accepted on that basis . ’
29 Interests theory comprises a response to these social costs .
30 An Oxford don says a return to Victorian manners would lead to a better , more considerate society .
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