Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [vb base] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It will give that tight West Coast strum with the bass strings becoming almost percussive .
2 The pattern of both the muscles and the tendons of the chick limb respond to the same positional signals as the cartilage .
3 Who can blame them when most traditional methods of weight control fail in the long term ?
4 When me and Frank were in the in Lo in London we got about fifty of these bloody E mail catalogue come in the same address .
5 The only commando casualty before the Force set sail for an uneventful passage home , was an officer accidentally shot in the foot .
6 So what really happened the night that Jimmy Johnstone set sail on the seven seas ?
7 Evans , captain for the ninth time on his 32nd appearance , enjoys recalling the moment he scored the Test series-clinching try for the 1989 British Lions Down Under .
8 In preparing notes on title points to observe are as follows : ( 1 ) Year , date and stamp duty go in the left-hand margin .
9 This centre for the war wounded , holding up to 600 patients at a time , makes an NHS ward look like a palatial five-star hotel .
10 Village school prepare for a new history lesson
11 Pensions as a form of work reward suffer from an absurd time-lag ; no one at 25 years of age thinks in 40-year time horizons .
12 The ancient metaphysics of Indian Serpent lore co-relate to the latest understandings in advanced research in Physics , Biochemistry , Biology and Parapsychology .
13 There is strong evidence that fraud and irregularity against the Community budget continue on a large scale and that controls within the system are not sufficiently effective throughout the Community .
14 Details of the tax deal emerge in a confidential letter from Peat Marwick Mitchell , BAe 's tax advisers , showing that the company could offset Rover 's losses for tax purposes for three years without fear of a challenge from tax officials .
15 However , parts of the radical Shatalin plan reappear in the new programme .
16 Meanwhile , Northampton Town yesterday spent £70,000 — a record cash buy for the Third Division club — to buy the winger Bobby Barnes from Bournemouth .
17 The London area plays a pivotal role in national migration patterns ( Flowerdew and Salt , 1979 ; Salt and Flowerdew , 1980 ) , so policy developments relating to south-east England over the next few years will be crucial to the way in which urban and regional patterns of population distribution evolve in the foreseeable future .
18 The civilization flourished for more than a millennium until , about 1400 BC , the comparatively nearby volcanic island of Thera erupted in a fashion that makes the 1883 Krakatoa event look like a mere squib .
19 Keep the creamy brown body meat separate from the flaked white claw meat .
20 Only with the Conservative ministry of Sir Robert Peel from 1841 to 1846 did the great switch to a laissez-faire policy begin on a broader scale .
21 While Lady Chatterley outrages viewers on BBC1 , and Carlton Television invest in a major three-part drama called A Woman 's Guide to Adultery ( to be screened in the autumn ) Ray has pulled off a major scoop now .
22 Finally , Oxford City Council are launching a low alcohol week today to encourage people to drink less ; alcohol-free tasting sessions at a local community centre coincide with a new balanced alcohol strategy campaign .
23 An artist I met that evening at Dr Caskie 's suggested that I exchange my tourist food permit for a civil emergency ration card , and do my own marketing and cooking .
24 no multiple versions of the same file specification exist on the primary directory
25 How far do the realities of Spain 's war effort correspond with the patriotic myth of a nation rising and driving out its oppressors ?
26 What do you think existing kinds of drama training do for the new actor ?
27 For a closer look at how your marriage will affect your tax position ask for the following booklets from your local Tax Office or Tax Enquiry Centre : ‘ Income Tax : A guide for married couples ’ , ‘ Independent Taxation : A guide to mortgage interest relief for married couples ’ , ‘ Capital Gains Tax : A guide for married couples ’ .
28 Fuel-oil traces and power station fly-ash appear in the late twentieth century .
29 A new Videozone and games department as well as in-store radio station and ticket shop add to the new offerings .
30 Our inability to standardise the timing of the initial packed cell volume is unfortunate as large changes in plasma volume occur in the first few hours of life .
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