Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [adv] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although the length of the film in seconds differs between exemplars , the six films of any particular junction show exactly the same distance travelled by the car between two fixed points .
2 ( Funnily enough , years later in France I saw in the Orange branch of the Credit Agricole exactly the same slogan used to advertise personal loans . )
3 Because the frequencies of all the components are well below the critical frequency , the phase shift β is always small enough to make the approximation or Corresponding to the phase shift there is a time delay per section given by The crucial point to emerge from equation ( 9.33 ) is that the delay is almost independent of frequency so that all Fourier components of the signal experience virtually the same delay and the signal is transmitted , delayed but virtually undistorted , as well as virtually unattenuated .
4 And the keys and the paper fall exactly the same way . ’
5 But it weighed 8oz more than the Texas , it had a battery life roughly the same length as a Madonna video and it had no inverted T for the cursors .
6 In county politics much the same attitude prevailed , for in 1799 Admiral Lord Keith 's chief complaint about a presentation made by Lord Elphinstone was that the latter had not seen fit to agree to the wishes of an important laird , remarking that ‘ I should suppose Lord E. does not recollect that the Gleneagles people have 3 votes in Dumbarton .
7 ‘ By an astonishing coincidence in the examiners ’ model solution precisely the same piece of goobledegook appears at precisely the same point . ’
8 I think I think this war in particular is an example of how complex situations are and it 's an opportunity in a way for us to show to our children that there are different views involved here and different positions will be reflected , perhaps , amongst the children and the community in which they live , that we do n't all in this country hold perhaps the same view , and even those that have one particular stance have very mixed feelings about it .
9 Even if an agreed definition can be arrived at and some core features identified , it need not be the case that all forms of creative expression demand precisely the same set of mental operations or depend equally upon the same intellectual qualities .
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