Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [prep] [art] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Opportunities for informal contacts and the exchange of information and experiences are , in consequence , extensive , and they probably serve the individualistic-minded members of this particular labour force as a more than satisfactory substitute for trade unions .
2 It 's still a hundred gram jar as the same as that .
3 On this basis , a data flow of no less than 1 terabyte ( i.e. 10¹2 ; bytes ) /day is anticipated by the mid-1990s .
4 Surveying reports on the relevant customary behaviour in 350 separate ‘ societies ’ , Tylor was able to demonstrate that , when the newlyweds set up house with the wife 's kin , avoidance behaviour between the latter and the husband occurred more frequently than could be expected on the basis of mere chance .
5 Not only did it win 13 of the 14 constituency seats ( 92.9% ) : it managed to do so on an average constituency vote of no more than 43.5% , which was further reduced by the usual leakage to a list vote of 41.8% .
6 Thereafter , you adopt a wholefood diet with a little or no dairy products and no more than one cup of coffee or two cups of tea a day .
7 To , to change this , the British road system to the same as the continent would be easy .
8 For example , West Germany and the Netherlands both have lower female work-force participation than Britain but also have considerably lower fertility ; while Japan , with a period fertility level about the same as Britain 's has a relatively low work-force participation by married women .
9 Editor , — The BMJ is to be congratulated on highlighting the difficulty doctors have when they seek to train and work in the hospital service on a less than full time basis — a reasonable aspiration when you realise that the average working week for people other than doctors is 37.5 hours yet for doctors half time can be in excess of 40 hours .
10 If he makes it — and many experts think he can — it will be a massive vindication of his decision four years ago to quit a promising school career after no fewer than nine O-levels , giving up the chance of A-levels and university to turn squash professional at the tender age of just 17 .
11 To have a federation in which one of the parts is as much as eight-tenths of the whole and the other parts amount to no more than the remaining two-tenths is almost inconceivable .
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