Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [verb] at a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 At the moment tunic tops are fashionable and these look well started with a tubular hem , a narrow jacquard border knitted at a lower stitch size than the main fabric or a garter stitch hem if you have a transfer lock .
2 Subjects seemed to provide No responses slower than giving Yes responses initially , but No response reaction time increased at a greater rate tending to converge with reaction time for Yes responses in larger memory sets of about four digits onwards .
3 It is probably significant that manufacturing employment fell at a slower rate in the North than in the South from 1984 to 1987 , and was estimated to have increased from 1987 to 1989 .
4 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
5 The information available through the payroll was : name man number payroll number ( hourly , weekly , monthly ) depot number birth date date of joining salary company division department marital status date left At a later date indicators were added for : membership of pension scheme savings scheme part-timers address job title It became apparent immediately that quite a lot could be done with a good program .
6 The select committees , in contrast , were to be investigating bodies where policy issues were not of first importance , the principal task being to find out what was happening inside the various government departments , to inform the House and the public , thus bringing public opinion to bear at an earlier stage while policy was still relatively fluid .
7 There are emerging , however , a few bona fide cases where licensing is the only means of making any sales and where it is in our general interest to be in a market in anticipation of that market situation easing at a later date .
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