Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [verb] it [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The aspirations of a record company go towards mass hysteria but I do n't think The Wedding Present see it in those terms .
2 Tim Renton , Minister for the Arts , has caused a storm by calling into question one of the main dogmas of British arts administration , the so-called arm's-length principle ‘ government funding through semi-independent institutions ’ , as Lord Keynes , the architect of the Arts Council put it in 1945 .
3 The wind was tugging at her hair , the setting sun turning it to false and fleeting gold .
4 As Jim Perrin almost explained in his highly perceptive and barely obscure September piece , today 's rock climber does it for extrinsic reasons , creating a gulf between that activity and the intrinsic moves of the other mountain activities .
5 As one law lord put it in 1967 , it can be ‘ very unpleasant ’ and ‘ hard ’ for the advocate ‘ to explain to a client why he is indulging in what seems treachery to his client because of an abstract duty to justice and professional honour ’ .
6 Chiang Kai-shek built it with forced labour , and dusty antique-model lorries still ply it , driven by young men in white gloves .
7 ‘ We want to see proper education and we have said we will put a penny on income tax to provide it at all levels from the age of three upwards . ’
8 A BANK accused a man of using his hole-in-the-wall cash card to defraud it of hundreds of pounds — even though he did not know his personal number .
9 To convert national income into real output per capita , it is necessary to make two adjustments : ( i ) national income must be deflated by an appropriate price index to convert it to real terms ; ( ii ) the figure must then be divided by the population to convert it to per capita terms .
10 Later other improvements came along such as putting a cylinder of safety glass around the flame to improve the illumination , and covering the gauze by a metal bonnet to protect it from accidental damage .
11 At present there is planning permission to chop it into three , and garage eight cars .
12 As a peasant from the Kursk guberniia put it in 1922 : ‘ We are not for priests nor for the church , but if only the Comrades would give us a little of what they promise : they promise a school and Socialism , but our hands are still as empty as ever . ’
13 It is important to take a wider view of social policy development relating it to economic policy .
14 The Lycett & Conaty radial gear had not proved satisfactory and it seems that ‘ Warner ’ radial gear was obtained from M & G Truck & Engineering Co. to replace it by 1912 , but was not fitted to the cars until 1922 or 1923 .
15 One recruitment manager put it like this : A year ago we were buying teams … now we 're filling holes . "
16 We believe that St Albans er has a traffic problem facing it in recent years , two or three year 's ago at the height of activity er the problems facing it were were more obvious and along with that situation er there 's no question about that and one might be forgetting to thinking the problem and not the way it has n't , it will return now , we know it will be return and therefore we should be firm in our resolve and at some point in time in the future that problem must be addressed sensibly for the good of the people of St Albans .
17 Bennett , the original owner of a Jaguar car entrusted it to one Searle for some repairs to be carried out .
18 Its suspected health hazards , such as cancer and nervous disorders , led the US government to suspend it in 1974 .
19 This is called the Richardson number ( sometimes the gradient form of the Richardson number to distinguish it from other forms defined somewhat differently ) .
20 Whereas the Government press could rely on a government subvention to support it for political or educational ends , private newspapers had to find private capital .
21 Just to make sure no-one gets the wrong idea , the loco carries an ‘ L ’ plate headboard to distinguish it from other trains !
22 WHEN THE originators of the Dart Valley Light Railway plc formed it in 1965 they always intended that it should be a commercially operated line rather than a ‘ preserved ’ railway , for having looked at the then contemporary scene they felt that there were enough preservationists at work already and that their nice for survival in an essentially holiday area should be revenue-earning profitability .
23 As a New York merchant expressed it in 1762 : " Our importation of dry goods from England is so vastly great , that we are obliged to betake ourselves to all possible arts to make remittances to the British merchants . "
24 As the Macdonald Survey put it in 1904 , " a curious point in connection with the work being sent out of London is that , except in the case of Edinburgh , the greater cheapness of the work outside London is not due so much to cheaper labour as to lower rents , etc . " .
25 As one social purity advocate put it in 1949 : ‘ the family is the yardstick to measure values by … and the stability of the family unit is of major importance to the health and welfare of the community ’ .
26 But the ne the ne the other issue is that erm on the Jason front , the overspend on the salary , we might well be able to adjust that down in terms of the overall salary review absorb it within that in July .
27 Whereas the Formalist concept was related to the literary devices within a text , the Prague School theory applied it to all forms of language .
28 As the Press Commission put it in 1977 ( p. 149 ) , ‘ Rather than saying that the press has other business interests , it would be truer to argue that the press has become a subsidiary of other interests ’ .
29 Second , to obtain recognition , as French Foreign Minister Schuman put it in tripartite talks with the Americans and the British in September , 1949 , that the French were the hard core of resistance to communist attempts to take over , initially , Indo-China and ultimately all of Southeast Asia and that as France was fighting the battle of all the democratic powers she would need help .
30 ‘ The delay has cost £20,000 and we can buy a gold door to replace it for less than that . ’
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