Example sentences of "[noun] [noun sg] [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Head circumference had not been recorded for 137 men , but this could be estimated from the two head diameters by using the regression equation derived from the 1042 records which included the circumference and both diameters .
2 3 The hexactinellid sponge Coeloptychium agaricoides from the Cretaceous of Westphalia , Germany .
3 Five 200 µl aliquots representing 2.56×10 6 lymphocytes were each placed in Krebs-Henseleit with a colonoscopic biopsy specimen taken from the same patient and metabolism measured as below for mucosal biopsy specimens .
4 This produced different social patterns from those of , say , south-eastern Europe , where there were still peasants who remembered Robot , the servile labour service surviving from the feudal era , and who lived in a poverty like that of Calabria or the Guadalquivir valley .
5 In the gutter a copy of the morning 's newspaper lay discarded , snow and slush turning it to pulp and partially obscuring the headline FINANCIER RETURNS FROM THE DEAD .
6 She now turned from the pony and looked towards the side gate separated from the front gate by a hedge of trees .
7 Hardraw is a friendly little place , particularly on the day of the annual brass-band contest when bands from all over Yorkshire and beyond come to compete against each other and the treeless side of the little valley is carpeted with supporters and spectators picnicking oil the grass and the ringing of the sounding brass echoes from the steep gillsides .
8 The origin of the term biotechnology arose from the gradual emergence of the microbiological industries as a genre offering an alternative to applying conventional chemistry .
9 Physiologists were then increasingly agreeing that every cellular organism is either a single cell or a cell colony arising from the successive divisions of a single cell , and that two cells come together to form one at fertilization , each having arisen by the division of one cell in the respective parent body .
10 Hills and meadows surround the church , and a gravel path leads from the quiet lane through an iron kissing gate , which is an alternative entrance to the wooden gates , bought to commemorate the Queen 's Silver Jubilee .
11 Cross the road and take the obvious lane on the other side which leads to a farm and the prominent Arnside Tower dating from the 14th century on the hillside above .
12 failing to adopt a comprehensive equal opportunities policy in relation to its activities both as a provider of educational/vocational services and an employer of staff ( in particular the failure to properly consider the need to employ an equal opportunities officer derived from the ethnic minorities using the GOQ provision of the Race Relations Act 1976 ) ;
13 A primary motivation for using higher-level knowledge to improve the performance of a text recognition system comes from the human ability to recognise text .
14 The coaches were finished with wood veneers from English and Empire timbers : some in a third class coach of each set was made from Canadian silver elm cut from the original piles of Rennie 's Waterloo Bridge , then lately demolished .
15 The next morning they were idling in the luxury of a long breakfast , enjoying the chatting in the warmth of the room , the tussocks in the white field outside the window stiff with frost , the only green grass the huge dark circles under the cypress trees , when a single shotgun blast came from the front room .
16 Whereas , before nationalisation , the planning of bulk supply points from the National Grid had been constrained by complex legal and financial negotiations between the CEB and the undertakings , engineers were now able to plan the cheapest effective layout , resulting in more supply points and increased usage of the high-voltage 132kV system for energy transfer and thus reduced transmission losses .
17 The advantages to the Commission of programme financing arose from the long-term nature of such a plan for regional development , which required agreement on financing arrangements in advance from all the concerned parties down to the local government level .
18 Public sector funding came from the urban programme ( £11 million ) and from the Housing Corporation ( £11.5 million ) .
19 The economy will move directly from point A to point C without first stopping off at point B : no quantity response ensues from the monetary impulse .
20 However , just before it died , there was what looked like a length of white cotton thread hanging from the anal vent .
21 With the ribber carriage separated from the main carriage ( without yarn ) take it slowly across these needles and you will note that ALTERNATE needles come higher than the others .
22 Arnside Tower , a prominent hillside landmark dating from the 14th Century
23 Much of the main three storey mill dates from the mid-19th century , although a large part of this is masked by the addition of later industrial plant and buildings .
24 Tanzania is caught in this trap : it had good rains in 1986 and its cotton crop doubled from the previous year .
25 The second reason for the central importance of management development comes from the human cost of change .
26 To overcome the limitations of the lattice theory resulting from the discontinuous nature of a dilute polymer solution , Flory and Krigbaum discarded the idea of a uniform distribution of chain segments in the liquid .
27 In Stockholm , the Riddarholm Church survives from the Franciscan Abbey , founded in the thirteenth century .
28 Vanilla ice cream made from the thickest cream , and hot chocolate fudge .
29 But the Home Secretary benefits from the objective advice of HMCIC , a distinguished policeman , and of his colleagues , who are all serving policemen and who can therefore speak from both sides of the fence .
30 Japan 's newly modernized armed forces achieved a resounding victory , and the terms of the peace treaty exacted from the Chinese not only a massive indemnity , but also the cession to Japan of Formosa ( Taiwan ) , the Pescadores Islands and the Liaodong peninsula , which lay off the Manchurian coast west of Korea .
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