Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [Wh det] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the broadest distinction being made , and one which is of most relevance in the present context , is that between the ‘ good ’ ( baig ) and the ‘ bad ’ ( yabud ) — or , as I prefer , the helpful and the harmful , designations which have less of Western moral connotations and which in the particular context correspond more closely to Chewong associations .
2 On July 25-26 they moved into the building in Karantina , Beirut , which had formerly housed the Health Ministry but which during the civil war had become the headquarters of the LF .
3 for direct processing the track index does not make it clear which records are in overflow and which in the prime data area ; this prevents the first overflow record being retrieved as quickly as is achieved in the two-entry index system — at least while it is the only overflow record .
4 Right now with manufacturing er in manufacturing , there are economies of scale , huge economies of scale this is why we find look at cars again that Toyota plant in Derby produces all the Toyota Corollas or whatever for the whole world , it 's not just for the U K market alright .
5 Dependence Social power exists only in interpersonal situations ; others are involved and must be dependent on the skill , knowledge , strength or whatever of the powerful .
6 Yes , but those are a particular kind of grown ups and what about the stiff upper lippers ?
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