Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adv prt] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This magnetotail could steer larger quantities of charged particles on to the near side than on to the far side .
2 Through the Sound of Grunay , ever threading through a procession of rock islets and on to the northernmost island of Unst , where we tied up for the night at the little pier in Baltasound .
3 From here I walked on to Men Scryfa , an iron age monument and on to the Nine Maidens prehistoric stone circle .
4 One by one we clambered out of the boat and on to the slippery rocks of an inlet .
5 Luxuriating in the warm midmorning sun on her shoulders , she walked under the lattice archway and on to the bottom end of the garden .
6 The catamaran shook its bows against the swell , then she was through the wind and on to the other tack with the sails drawing sweetly .
7 Dentdale is superb walking country : the high ridge walks along Rise Hill and Barbon Fell are amongst the best in the Dales , while lower down , the Dales Way long-distance path follows the river for much of its length into Sedbergh , and some of the wooded gills like Flinter Gill , which arc a typical feature of Dentdale , have footpaths along them leading on to the fells or on to the old packhorse routes .
8 More probable is a trade sale to existing mining companies or back to the generating companies , which is quite a common practice in the rest of the world .
9 Whereas fairly large areas in the Yorkshire Dales and up to the Scottish Borders were not heavily forested , the Teesdale region had this peculiar sugar limestone , creating a very thin , calcium-rich soil which never produced dense grass cover .
10 Go straight through into the hall and on to the front door , and let us in .
11 Fortified for a final fight , we stuffed everything into our sacks and set off on the laborious slog back up Coire Raibeirt for a buffeted race against darkness over the plateau and down to the vast , eerily deserted car park .
12 They then fought their way past the Dark Elf patrols and back to the Inner Sea .
13 His harsh words jerked Folly out of her fantasy and back to the real world .
14 The directors are presently authorised to allot shares up to a maximum nominal amount of £114,668,095 and to allot equity securities for cash in connection with a rights issue and up to an aggregate nominal amount of £9,350,000 , without applying statutory pre-emption rights .
15 Item 9 on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting is a special resolution renewing the Board 's authority to allot equity securities for cash in connection with a rights issue and up to an aggregate nominal value of £9,350,000 , such authority to expire fifteen months from the date of the passing of the resolution or on the date of the Annual General Meeting in 1994 , if earlier .
16 Starting at 6am , a team of 20 ‘ sherpas ’ carried tanks , valves , drysuits and other equipment , though the tortuous lower entrance to King Pot and on to the downstream sump .
17 A successful takeover would mean the closure of the Morland 's Abingdon brewery and up to a hundred job losses .
18 The yarn passes in front of the needle hook and on to the next needle which will make a knit stitch .
19 The lorry rolled down the lane and on to the main road .
20 ‘ But we will go and look just the same , ’ he decided , and , taking her by the arm , he guided her to the front of the building and over to a high parapet .
21 In 1986 I cultivated new ambitions which took me out of the British orbit and on to a higher plane .
22 Bomber Command was divided into Groups , each of which consisted of a Headquarters and up to a dozen satellite air fields scattered around it in the countryside , from East Anglia up to Yorkshire .
23 Without waiting to be shown , she walked through the primitive kitchen and on to a small balcony perched perilously above the red-tiled roofs of the houses below .
24 We said our farewells and I leapt gratefully off the ridge and on to the safe path with the elegance of a stunned ox .
25 When Ethiopian Foreign Minister Tesfaye Dinka visited the Soviet Union on March 7 , the Soviet side laid particular emphasis on promoting talks on peace and national reconciliation , while on March 21 the Western press reported comments by the Soviet ambassador in Sudan , that all Soviet military advisers had been withdrawn by late February to Addis Ababa or back to the Soviet Union .
27 For a short run , I usually end at Westsandwick , taking the loop road through the township and back to the main road .
28 He turned into the still-deserted Lombard Street and up to the great stocks just before the Poultry .
29 One night he went to her house , poured paraffin through the letter-box and on to the front door , and set it alight .
30 For much of the period and up to the First World War , the targets of the largest movements of national liberation were the two great empires of Eastern and Central Europe — that of the Romanovs in the Russias and of the Habsburgs in Austro-Hungary .
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