Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb -s] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This makes me wonder if it is the creative thought that guides the discoverer or whether it is the emotion that is the creative force that impels him to the solution .
2 The Chinese believe that to stand on one leg while kicking with the other unbalances the practitioner and places him at a disadvantage .
3 His business licenses him to fraternise with the enemy and casts him in the role of a Microsoft independent software developer-come-OEM , complete with an early access copy of Microsoft NT .
4 So Madam I 'm asking you to say that these circumstances , this is the sort of case that should never have come before the court , it should 've been sorted out between the parties themselves , with the aid of their solicitors , and that it 's only the overreaction of the police in this particular circumstance that brings him before the court here .
5 Any action on the part of a religious or other teacher which undermines an individual 's awareness of his personal and family duties and leaves him with the means to claim that a ‘ god ’ will relieve him of them , is an action which is utterly irresponsible .
6 When the nest is complete the female approaches the male and nudges him in the flank to gain his confidence .
7 " It is not a job that brings him into the public eye , but , believe me , he is one of the most trusted officers of the bank . "
8 She has n't seen him for 20 years and remembers him as a ‘ nice guy ’ .
9 In supporting the Bill at its Second Reading in the House of Commons , the Minister of State at the Home Office , Mr Alexander Lyon , explained the Bill 's overall purpose thus : ‘ If a man has committed an indiscretion that brings him before the courts and results in his being convicted and penalised , it must be right that after he has served the penalty and lived it down by a substantial period of good conduct thereafter , it should be without meaning for most people of good will . ’
10 What does Mr Hattersley know about rights that sets him above the wisdom of the ages ?
11 What is it about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart that places him on an artistic par with Shakespeare or Rembrandt , a giant of his art ?
12 However , he begins , after a fashion that is less rare with him than is commonly supposed , by apologizing for the impressionism that supplies him with the terms he needs :
13 A tug on it sounds a buzzer in the driver 's cab and brings him to a halt .
14 Someone who trails in on his own faces the possibility of being over the time limit that eliminates him from the race as a whole .
15 If a woman holds a man 's hand as he lights her cigarette and strokes him behind the knees with her foot , is it a secret sign ?
16 He stuffs his pistol into the top of his trousers , tilts one of the two heavies back onto the rear chairlegs and drags him out the door , clumping down the steps to the gloom outside .
17 This corkscrews the opponent backwards over his supporting leg and dumps him on the mat .
18 In a world of single parents , almost all of them female , it is the relationship that the young man has with a solid male figure that gives him an edge and keeps him on the straight and narrow .
19 She takes his face between her hands and kisses him on the lips .
20 Even when he makes mistakes he does it in a way that still brings results and takes him over the gain line .
21 The most vital rule , the rule never to be broken , the rule which marks the true Arab and lifts him above the morass of intrigue and materiality which now dominates his world and indeed ours , is the rule of hospitality .
22 Not only is having had some form of employment considered to increase a job seeker 's attractiveness to an employer and diminish the chances of a devaluation of his work skills , but temporary placings themselves can turn into permanent ones , either because the temporary position is made permanent or because the employer becomes acquainted with the capabilities of the temporary worker and recruits him into a vacant permanent position.1 Special temporary employment schemes such as the Community Programme are often justified in this manner , the suggestion being that they raise the chances of the long-term unemployed finding jobs some threefold ( Turner , 1985 ) .
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