Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb mod] [vb infin] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hernias vary in size from a golf ball to a football and can strike at any age .
2 The rift between the two brothers recalls the one between Cain and Abel and would seem at first to be heading for a similar conclusion .
3 This work may start early in the day as is local practice and can occur at any time of the season .
4 These stock yards covered 500 acres and could accommodate at any one time 75,000 cattle , I25,000 sheep , 300,000 hogs , and 6,000 horses .
5 Has slipped down the weights and could surprise at long odds here .
6 The suggestion was that West European foreign ministers should form a semi-permanent committee that would meet at regular intervals to discuss problems of common concern .
7 Tom seemed very casual now , as if he had recently found the answer to some burdensome question and could relax at last , and he teased both Belinda and Mrs Porter mercilessly about the Christmas presents they had given and received .
8 We will be filming inside the Clock Tower for 2 hours and will leave at 3.30 pm .
9 The next Inside Science will be published on 9 March and will look at biological pest-control .
10 Youngster Stephen Swales is given a reprieve and will play at left back with skipper Paul Mudd again partnering Lee Hirst in the centre .
11 We 're told it comes with four Rios RISC processors , 2Gb RAM , 6Gb or more disk , 2Gb per-second fibre optic channel input/output and will perform at 400 MFLOPS .
12 Stories currently in circulation talk of the search for a printer mechanism that can run at 90 pages per minute !
13 We are about the only organization that can operate at all these levels .
14 Mantes has continued the development of SCF — a film that will seal at low temperatures so it can run in faster production lines .
15 Any animal that can hear at all may hear echoes .
16 However , it may pay to take a chance with SESAME ( nap 2.35 ) , who has been running creditably in top class events and could oblige at attractive odds .
17 Feeling sick is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy and can happen at any time of day , not just the morning .
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