Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb base] [pron] with the " in BNC.

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1 P35 — At the end of the financial year the employer has to complete this return and send it with the completed P11 's to the Collector of Taxes .
2 For a confirmation of this , you only have to look at some of Turner 's paintings of the Dales and compare them with the reality to see how much poetic licence has been taken for the sake of the " phantasmagoric " .
3 Pound the garlic and mash it with the cod 's roe until the paste is quite smooth before gradually adding 3 tablespoons of the oil .
4 Many blind people struggle to pay their bills and provide themselves with the necessities of life .
5 He would remove the radios from aircraft B and substitute them with the radios stolen from aircraft A. He would then be picked up by the aircraft he came in , leaving with the radios removed from aircraft B.
6 Or you can scoop out the flesh of the potatoes and mix it with the sauce .
7 Coarsely chop the chicken and combine it with the soy sauces , rice wine or sherry , salt , sesame oil and cornflour .
8 He was obliging , and liked to run errands for the girl and help her with the care of her old lady .
9 Then the reader is advised to read the accounting policies and compare them with the policies used in the previous year and with those competitors use .
10 Visitors used to flock to it in omnibuses and examine it with the careful scrutiny of sightseers . ’
11 First we raise one index and contract it with the remaining covector index to give .
12 How terrible to adore like this so that you want to lie in the same grave and share nothing with the world but live above it like Zeus and Hera .
13 To advertise the fact , they surround the pollen and the anthers that produce it with the vivid petals of a flower .
14 One is that academic research should pluck the fruits of the contemporary political agenda and lend credibility to vogue and vague notions that may fleetingly assume a high profile , reify concepts that are of the moment and endow them with the status of real analytical phenomena .
15 We call this a reversible reaction and write it with the sign .
16 The sponsor of the project must evaluate offers and calculate the total cost of using a selected finance package and compare it with the cost of other sources of finance .
17 After dinner they had got lost , because Betty had fallen asleep and failed to note the few signposts and correlate them with the route on the map .
18 You must also buy a copy of Debrett and familiarize yourself with the names of those people in society we hope will become our clients .
19 It is strongly recommended that you put an adhesive label on this side of the artwork in the margins and mark it with the title of the project , date etc. and very clearly mark words to the effect of ‘ this side copper track view/this side to UV light ’ or similar .
20 It was our delight to dash those proud faces to the ground , to smite them with the sword and savage them with the axe , as if blood and agony could follow from every blow .
21 In this paper we describe the results of restorative proctocolectomy in 18 patients over the age of 50 whom we have treated in the past six years and compare them with the results achieved in younger patients .
22 If your butcher will let you have a veal bone , scrape the marrow from the bone and cook it with the onion .
23 We shall examine the results of his experiments and compare them with the results that we would expect if the records were perfectly randomized .
24 Johnny made no reply , but continued to sip his drink and regard her with the same sardonic dislike .
25 [ Remove the original signature with solvent and replace it with the legitimate owner 's name in her own handwriting .
26 Stun it with one dose and swat it with the next .
27 Pose my questions in a logical sequence and link them with the candidate 's replies ?
28 So why did she find it so difficult to ignore the mocking , taunting comments and treat them with the silent scorn they so richly deserved ?
29 Legal advisers suggest that anyone wishing a piece of jewellery or other valuable to go to a particular person , should list such unofficial bequests on a piece of paper and keep it with the official will .
30 Opportunities are provided to appraise academic theory and integrate it with the practical skills required of graduates in professional situations .
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