Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Cassettes were reviewed and discussed in type-written fanzines and distributed in the same manner as cassettes , hand to hand .
2 The history of religions is a history of intolerance and cruelty towards non-believers , and the love extends only to those who are believers and loved by the same supernatural being .
3 Extra sanding discs are available for only £2.49 if ordered at the same time as the Bench Sander .
4 After the shelves have been weeded , all other books which are on loan from that section at the time of weeding should be screened on their return and subjected to the same process .
5 We still needed an extension pipe , which was trimmed to length to reach the drain and fitted in the same manner .
6 The scrub community of Allt Volagir , also in South Uist and mentioned in the same paper , is somewhat similar , but Betula pubescens is absent .
7 They can be located anywhere in the kitchen and attached to the same sort of outlet as an electric stove .
8 Johnnie also excelled at the job and adapted at the same rate as his friend .
9 I recently read Stacey 's study of the council , published with its blessing and undertaken by the same means of ‘ participant observation , ’ albeit not apparently requiring the same degree of deception .
10 Goth , of Liverton Avenue , Whinney Banks , was taken into police custody , informed of the murder charge and released on the same bail conditions to appear on May 5 .
11 For added storage , a shelf or drawers could be fitted underneath , the drawers being made with a d-i-y drawer kit and faced with the same material as the rest of the wardrobe .
12 Consequently , many retailers in the run-up to Christmas were looking at poor weekly sales figures when compared with the same week in 1991 .
13 Double Benefits of £80 each for husband and wife when hospitalised at the same time for any reason , whilst both insured under the same policy .
14 A spokesman at IBM Corp 's East European headquarters in Vienna claimed that the company exceeded the internal sales targets set for the first quarter of 1993 , and succeeded in increasing its turnover in the region by around 30% when compared with the same period last year .
15 It was situated in a post-war housing estate on the outskirts of Greenock and suffered from the same sort of social and economic problems found in the working class communities elsewhere .
16 Participant observation , then , is an attempt to put both observer and observed on the same side by making the former a member of the group so that he can experience what they experience and work within their frame of reference .
17 If Scotland is to maintain the highest level of research capability to match that of universities south of the Border , then research money must follow quality as judged by the same standards throughout the UK ( however imperfect these measurements are ) .
18 Another idea that uses a mirror image is to make a pair of pictures , either in separate frames or housed in the same mount , in which the colours of the flowers and foliage are transposed .
19 Or again , it is as though the disorganized and random bursts of photons present in a beam of white light were suddenly all being accelerated and agitated to precisely the same frequency and directed at the same spot — to produce the awesome source of energy that we have come to know as the laser .
20 This course would enable 5 Corps to be tactically disposed in the light of new policy , or ( b ) a proportion at least of the numbers should be returned to Italy and concentrated under the same arrangements that are being made for surrendered personnel of Army Group SW .
21 2.15.9 such parts of the main structure walls foundations and roofs of the Centre that are not included in the Premises and that would not be included in the Premises demised by the Leases of all the other units in the Centre if let on the same terms as this Lease
22 After establishing external drainage ( 8.3 Fr catheter ) a sample of bile were taken from the region of the stricture by the radiologist and sent on the same day to the Cytology Department .
23 It sees government as faced with the same task of managing and controlling spending as any large business .
24 It measures with reasonable accuracy if confined to the same subject throughout the measuring period , but this accuracy is very much reduced if the subject is changed .
25 Working in conjunction with the dampers and controlled by the same computer are four air springs , which constantly adjust the ride height according to a number of external factors .
26 Nivelle 's campaign in Champagne opened on 19 April and met with the same fate as most earlier attacks : some 120,000 Frenchmen fell before the German machine-guns and by the day 's end an advance of only 550m/600yds had been made , in tragic contrast to Nivelle 's expected g.6km/6mls .
27 This is similar in size and shape to cast iron systems and jointed in the same way .
28 Of particular interest is that these two applications , within the same factory and installed by the same management team , had radically different impacts on the experience of work of the operators .
29 There are other models that transfer stitches and knit at the same time but the K858 has a separate lace carriage to transfer stitches and the punchcards are treated accordingly .
30 These were erected by the Company and run under the same conditions as Wolverton School .
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