Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In other cases the plotter hardware is physically located some distance from the user ; for example , the user may be in a different building or even at a subsidiary office in another town .
2 You can do all your homework and be in the right swim during a feeding spell and then still miss the fish if you , for example , put all your baits under the far bank and the pack is moving up and down the centre of the drain or close to the near bank which in my experience is quite common .
3 Each pair handed in before June 13th entitles you to a £20 voucher against any purchases of £60 or more on a new pair form Boots .
4 In general the availability of charity varied with the existence or not of a resident bourgeoisie with a surplus to give , although a considerable amount was given by those with little to spare .
5 In addition to these results , much of the work done on the EMT has concerned the existence or otherwise of a financial illusion .
6 But it was already obvious that the horn blast had come from elsewhere entirely — not from the Halfling camp or even from the human regiments of the Empire army , but from the fierce goblin Wolf Riders who were hacking and biting at will as Halflings ran hither and thither in blind panic .
7 The evidence for increased transmitter release is strongest for STP , that is from a few seconds to an hour or so after the inductive event .
8 A perfect way to serve them is in a tart of shortcrust pastry , mixed with three or four free-range eggs and plenty of sugar , and baked for half an hour or so in a medium-hot oven .
9 The afternoon audience steadily declined , built up for an hour or so in the late afternoon and then surrendered to TV , except for another late-night blip .
10 An hour or so in the best of company , the bar is open , and all for £3 — what more can we do ?
11 Marinate for only an hour or so in the same marinade as before or use just olive oil , lemon juice salt and freshly ground black pepper .
12 Their masters were either dead or absent in a concentration camp , in the Polish army in the West or else in the underground army .
13 Tipping can add £40 or more to a 10-day cruise , but some cruise lines have abolished the custom .
14 Unfortunately , for the traditional printing and graphic arts industries , the desktop publishing ‘ revolution ’ has taken place largely outside their control and has placed the capability to generate complex artwork directly in the hands of anyone with access to a computer and around £1,000 or less for the necessary software .
15 The function is retained as relationships , existing in the intersection between domains that specify the geometric requirements , either directly by rules or indirectly through a controlling set of programs .
16 It can take effect immediately , but it usually takes twenty minutes or so for the full effects to be felt .
17 After that , the manager went through the procedure adopted : a telephone call to the reference number cited ; verification of credit card ; verification of driving licence ; verification of home address ( the last three usually completed within ten minutes or so on the International Information Computer ) ; preparation , presentation , and signing of the contract ( including appropriate insurance clauses ) ; then , paperwork now completed , the car brought round to the outer forecourt , with an assistant to give the client a quick run-over of the controls , and to hand over the keys .
18 He had paid three pence at the booking office for his ticket and , after waiting ten minutes or so on the cold and draughty platform for the next London-bound train , he had arrived at Christchurch some ten minutes later to run through torrential rain toward the group of cottages which flanked the open park in the town centre .
19 Few 24-hour races ever go the full distance — fans usually burst on to the sacred tarmac 20 minutes or so before the official end
20 When played f or ff in the ordinary way ( unmuted ) the tone is broad , sonorous , and noble .
21 There is not one of the erroneous and superstitious beliefs of mankind that are supposed to have been superseded but has left vestiges at the present day in the lower strata of civilized peoples or even in the highest strata of cultivated society .
22 Most country and metropolitan district councils in England and Wales hold definitive maps , and you can ask to see them at council offices or sometimes at the public library .
23 He left also a timeless description of Fowey , where ‘ … the little boats that lie tethered to the rings and stancheons of the old sea wall are gaily painted as those I clambered in and out of in my own childhood … and by the windows the great vessels glide , night and day , up to their moorings or forth to the open sea . ’
24 Now you hear it said that we are going to live with stable currencies or even with a single currency for Europe ; that recovery will be slow ; that inflation will stay down while interest rates stay up — poison for precious metals .
25 He has recovered his form superbly after a broken finger threatened his career last season , and England boss Graham Taylor said : ‘ Sometimes when you 're with a Second Division club or out in the far North East you can feel forgotten .
26 Three or four pamphlets and books have attacked ‘ the pernicious myth of monarchy ’ , but serious discussion of the usefulness or otherwise of the royal family has been driven out by simpering nonsense from a pack of tabloid reporters who devote their not inconsiderable imaginations to dreaming up new twists to a comic-strip family drama with a cast-list now augmented by half-a-dozen non-royal spouses and their families .
27 There was an unresolved discussion in the case as to whether the lessee continued liable for the entire rent or merely for an apportioned part of it , which is all that the plaintiff claimed .
28 Venture capitalists ' optimism or otherwise about the medium and longer term tends to be governed to a degree by the number and quality of the deals on offer .
29 A protest can extend from a lone voice on a box at a street corner to a riot or even to a civil war .
30 In fact Porter really offers just two possible competitive strategies ( i.e. be a cost leader or differentiate your product ) which can be applied over either a broad range of products in an industry or just in a special niche .
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