Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [pron] went into the " in BNC.

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1 He needed some toothpaste so he went into the chemists .
2 This time around , Chadwick 's approach to recording the album was to spend as much time as possible rehearsing and re-rehearsing the songs before they went into the studio .
3 He over-valued the pound when we went into the ERM and , coupled with his insistence of achieving zero inflation , that is destroying industry , jobs , homes , families and any chance of rebuilding Britain for a better future .
4 Everyone had gone except this boorish man and his sleazy dirty place , and the poor old decrepit cleaner , who did n't seem particularly dismayed at the sight that greeted their eyes when they went into the room where the reception had been held .
5 She was not looking in their direction , her head was turned to say something to whomever she was with , her short hair blown straight up by the wind as they went into the little newsagent 's , leaving McLeish a clear run to get Catherine back to the Yard .
6 When her cloak was removed in the Rectory hall and she went into the drawing-room which had been lavishly and clumsily decorated by the children on precisely the principle Alexandra had used in dressing , they crowded round her with gasps of delight and wonder .
7 Barry 's Mum got up from the desk as they went into the waiting-room , and put her coat on .
8 An electrician made the grim discovery when he went into the loft at Milton Keynes , Bucks .
9 Well , let me tell you , you 'll know which one it is in a second — I went back , obviously years later , and I was having my beer and I finally had to go to the loo and I went into the ladies ' room and there was a big sign saying ‘ Elizabeth Taylor sat here ’ .
10 The robot and I went into the computer room but Hee-Haw stayed outside .
11 ‘ What would you know ? ’ demanded Thomas , the under-footman , jealous that it had been she who had found the body when she went into the bedroom with the morning tray of tea and biscuits .
12 You know given that life is as it is are you okay and he said yes so I went round the gardens and I came back to him and I had a friend coming for lunch and I thought this is ridiculous , I 'm going to have something to drink and I 'm going to have a meal so I made him an enormous great wad of cheese sandwiches and some apples and a piece of cake and some biscuits and a cup of tea and I went downstairs with the milk and the sugar and cup of tea and all this stuff and I went into the gardens and this poor child he looked very defensively a second time and I said well I thought you might like some breakfast and I wrapped the second lot up so if you 've nothing later on , why not put it in your pocket and eat later in the day and I did n't know whether you took milk or sugar , so I thought I 'd better just ask you and do you know I thought he was going to cry .
13 ‘ There were no slabs of marble in sight when Harry and I went into the upstairs room of the boathouse .
14 ‘ Do n't stand around , ’ Gwen said with a grin as they went into the kitchen .
15 I saw his feet go past the chair and he went into the house .
16 She followed him numbly , still praying for that elusive miracle as they went into the staff rest-room and collected two cups of coffee and then out again , back down the corridor to the consultant 's room — his room .
17 Some 2,500 out of over 8,000 workers began taking the masks when they went into the forest to cut wood , collect honey or fish .
18 I 'm not used to scotch and I went into the gents down by the station to be sick . ’
19 Shaking her hand off his arm , he looked at Keith as he went into the dining-room .
20 Corbett gave a child a penny to hold the horses and they went into the priest 's house .
21 Dorothy waited patiently and had her moment of triumph when someone went into the back of his car at a traffic light — clearly his fault for not getting a move on quicker .
22 And one day I dro I dropped it down the the drain as I went into the shop .
23 ‘ Takes you back , does n't it ? ’ said William as they went into the church .
24 I was a witness and so on you see and down below and the sergeant said to me , the sergeant came up and said to me , you 'll have to be careful because he said that boy , he was sitting there with his mother , poor woman , all in black and er the em the boy 's employer had got a solicitor on his behalf , you see , and I said well I can only speak through and say what happened , that 's all I can do and er , so of course when I went into the witness box this man came and er asked me all sorts of questions .
25 Again the parents were given encouragement and messages of good luck as they went into the Sheriff Court with their legal advisers .
26 That 's right , , it 's a , it 's a , so my mother and I said we 're going back to that hotel , you know , were very , very kind of luxury type , so we went back to the hotel and my brother and I went into the room where we had a television view on the sea , very beautiful .
27 I was Mr Anthony Evans when I went into the Palace .
28 He took her arm as they went into the dining-room .
29 The first course was on the table when we went into the dining-room .
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