Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [prep] [adj] years [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I was lucky to move on from Manchester City Art Galleries where after seventeen years I ended up as Senior Keeper of Fine Art .
2 Some small captives become pets but within five years they are potentially dangerous and have to be put behind bars .
3 The governments of the two contracting parties recommend to the legislative bodies of the united Germany that within two years they should deal with the questions regarding amendments or additions to the Basic Law as raised in connection with German unification …
4 There 's a very good example of that some years ago er in one of these groups I had erm a student had a severe stutter problem and he said that he had hypnosis and for two years he was fine , he had no stutter and suddenly one day under stress it came back an and ever since erm then he was having some other kind of treatment I think , but er but that 's typical .
5 The shop 's three glass doors and old-fashioned set of windows were all adorned with window boxes and hanging baskets and for several years it won a Bath Festival award for the best floral shop facade in the City .
6 All farms have rats and mice but in recent years they have been coming through from the barn into the house and getting into the furniture .
7 He decided to brew a long-lasting , high quality version of this porter and within ten years he was exporting his ‘ Guinness Extra Strong Porter ’ to London .
8 But for me , all the time , it is a reminder that for 49 years it replaced wedding anniversary celebrations , and the memory of all those bonfires on the way to Bournemouth on a drizzly November afternoon , all those years ago .
9 If in the year in which the benefit is given to the taxpayer the amount of the relevant income is less than the amount of the benefit then the individual is only taxed on the amount of the relevant income but in subsequent years he can be further charged if there is further relevant income but never in excess of the amount of the benefit ( s740(2) ) .
10 A former schoolteacher and the wife of a Magee College lecturer , she was of pronounced left-wing sympathies and in later years she became Bernadette Devlin 's secretary in London .
11 He very quickly became an invaluable member of the organisation and after two years I made him manager .
12 Lord Stanley Clinton-Davis is a former European Commissioner and for many years he was in the House .
13 Birds respond to a wide range of sounds but for many years it was assumed that their low-frequency hearing was poorer than ours .
14 Henrietta did not lose interest in her impecunious father and within two years she was with him aboard HMS Bullfinch for the trials of his new screw propeller .
15 ‘ It was made in his atelier so I went over for the fittings and in those years I was very sure of myself .
16 The Prince of Wales has an obvious love of the countryside and for 20 years he has somehow found some private time to express this through the medium of watercolour painting .
17 Well she does and the hardest part , I think there is when she comes down in the morning and for five years he was there
18 Others are moving into the frame and within five years it is possible that more than half of all lamb will be sold overseas .
19 Mr Smith added : ‘ There was no enthusiasm for this Government , no admiration for their performance , no sense that after 13 years they had delivered the goods , fulfilled promises or proved themselves worthy of the trust of the nation . ’
20 Is not it a sad reflection on the Government that after 12 years they have failed to provide the necessary skills training for our work force to make our industries competitive in world markets ?
21 Here John learned to appreciate the material things in life and in later years he allowed journalists to make the mistake of attributing John George 's wealth and position to him at this time .
22 Dance has always been his first love and in recent years he 's been on tour six times with his own company .
23 Queen Victoria always needed the support of a dedicated man and for nineteen years she found it in Brown .
24 If Japan 's lending had continued to expand at the same pace as in recent years it would have overtaken Britain in 1992 .
25 With the loss of Gunbad and Silverspear , the Dwarfs lose their most important mines in the east and within five years they abandon the eastern fringes of the Worlds Edge Mountains altogether .
26 Like many a similar building it had declined in status but in recent years it has been handsomely restored to its former glory .
27 This is a landmark visible for miles along the coast ; indeed there was a protest from seafarers when in recent years it was feared the spire might need to be dismantled .
28 His name was Dr Georges Flandrin and for five years he had been treating the Shah for cancer .
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