Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Margaret Hughes wept in the backseat of the police car that took her from the court to prison .
2 She thanked the driver , lifted the latch of the low iron gate and took four steps that brought her to the front door .
3 At the point where in her first aria the prima donna expected from him an angry gesture , he exaggerated his anger so much that he looked as if he was about to box her ears and strike her on the nose with his fist .
4 They 'd thrown her into a Jeep and driven her into the Heide , through the woods , to a large wooden building hidden in the trees .
5 He led her back into the bedroom and sat her on the chair while he rummaged in the chest .
6 The retiring president , Mrs Beryl Abbott , welcomed Mrs Archer as the new president and presented her with the badge of office .
7 Jessica turned in her seat and touched her on the arm .
8 The man then grabbed her around the neck and forced her to the ground .
9 She barged past police , threw her arms around Diana 's neck and kissed her on the cheek .
10 Cleo ran to Lucy and hit her around the knees with the balloon shouting ‘ Doon … doon . ’
11 One of the assistants took Ruth into a fitting-room and helped her into the dress , then stood back to admire the effect .
12 He threw the luggage into the boot of her hired car and helped her into the front seat .
13 It was still daylight as Rune , having parked the car and guided her across the road , stood back to let her precede him through the Tivoli turnstiles .
14 The boy carried her out into the snow and pushed her into the ground , turning her so that she faced the tent and the cluster of trees that formed their crude and failing shelter .
15 She signalled that they should lower their voices and follow her round the building to a new window smashed through the wall of the cottage .
16 Mamma put her ample arm round Noreen 's shaking shoulders and brought her to the kitchen table and made her sit down .
17 He moved with incredible speed , seizing her by the shoulders and propelling her towards the closed door , a hard violence etching the bones of his face into a mask that would have just done justice to a Viking warrior at his most rapacious .
18 Still holding her , he locked the door behind them , then released her wrist to take her by the shoulders and pin her against the wall .
19 Sharpe said grimly , then he put an arm round Lucille 's shoulders and steered her towards the ballroom where , because the orchestra had been engaged till dawn , the music still played and a few last couples still danced .
20 Then he was smiling and laying a soft kiss against her lips before slipping one strong arm around her shoulders and leading her across the beach back to the house .
21 Fired by an intensely feminine and creative energy , she was spotted as a teenager by her first impresario , who snapped her up off the streets where she had been making her living and introduced her to the torrid cabaret life of the French capital .
22 She stretched Thérèse on the rack until her bones cracked , tore off her breasts with red-hot pincers , then flogged her with twigs and broke her on the wheel .
23 Craig came to her side and relieved her of the bowl .
24 Bunny noticed Stella 's distress and patted her on the shoulder .
25 He picked up the tray and followed her from the room .
26 The scene that greeted her at the top was already less frightening than it had been when Phoebe arrived .
27 Marion was sitting in the sun , her back to the hut that sheltered her from the cold wind .
28 THE gritty determination that took her to the top as Coronation Street 's Ivy has always been there .
29 I did n't want her to give herself over to the view of life that underlay all this , the philosophy that pinned her to the shadow-corners of the world .
30 Mrs Lennox threw an arm around Maggie and drew her into the kitchen .
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