Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] he [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And if you 're worried in case anyone in the family has drunk out of a cup her husband used , or sat on the same loo seat or given him a friendly kiss , relax .
2 They may also write letters to Sinterklaas setting out what gifts they would like to receive , or do a drawing or give him a small present .
3 It was an association that made him an appropriate keeper at Loseley of Montague 's imprisoned son-in-law Henry Wriothesley , second Earl of Southampton [ q.v. ] in 1570 .
4 But it was working as a computer specialist in the insurance industry that gave him the necessary experience , most notably the motor insurance experience , he needed .
5 London Scottish sevens coach and former scrum-half Andy Cushing has been helping PORTUGAL in training and , without any doubt , in spite of a temperamental outburst from Pedro Neiva that earned him an early shower and a one-match suspension , it showed .
6 I opened my eyes and gave him a puzzled look .
7 Bolt Head , the gangster who financed and masterminded both the Robocranker project and the computer generated hologram , meets the Robocranker after his defeat and offers him a new body in return for operating one of his machines …
8 Buddie had been very angry , but everyone else had laughed at Frankie and called him a snivelling cissy .
9 Eventually I fell on my knees and called him a fucking bastard , and he just laughed .
10 During Worswick 's time there , Harwell — as part of the AEA — made the transition to a trading fund ( effectively a nationalised company rather than a government department ) , an experience that taught him a great deal about finance .
11 But it was n't his deeds that made him a Christian , it was his trust in Jesus Christ .
12 Edward , thinking with relief that he could leave them to it now , began to withdraw , clutching the bottles that gave him a certain exemption , free to come and go .
13 But in a sense it failed through the same sort of determination that gained him the earlier success on April 27th .
14 He looked back at Kim and gave him a small bow .
15 When Batty comes back , why not preserve the current formation and make him the fifth defender , seeing as Speed seems to revel in the central midfield .
16 He stared back and , blushing with confusion , she rose to her feet and gave him a little bob .
17 I unzipped the pouch round my waist and gave him the small jar of paint and the sawn-off paintbrush .
18 With Dawson it was his bulk which undoubtedly contributed to his premature death along with his broad , rubber face that became his trademark and made him an ideal pantomime dame in true bawdy music hall tradition .
19 But his bulk , along with his broad , malleable face , was virtually his trademark and made him an ideal pantomime dame in the finest bawdy music hall tradition .
20 The drummer lashed out at Tom and caught him a glancing blow on the jaw and Tom had to be held back by Ollie to prevent him retaliating .
21 I sprang to attention and gave him a smart salute .
22 Up to the age of 39 he was one of that sad , nervous and obscure clan of people who scraped a living as a barrister while waiting for a distant relative to die and leave him an independent income .
23 " Not yet ; let's get a sup of tea into the lad and ask him a few questions .
24 In addition , the war years had turned de Gaulle himself into a national leader and given him a unique symbolic identity , and yet had left him an inexperienced politician without an organized or cohesive following .
25 By this time he would not have been surprised if she had taken up the lecture and returned him a brief history of the next four centuries .
26 Unlike Hitler , however , the Americans were anxious for Franco 's consent and found him a reasonable interlocutor .
27 Charles I was equally well disposed towards Salisbury and made him a privy councillor in 1626 .
28 Nick , who had feared a torridly emotional hour or so was relieved by this ; grateful , he had shared half a bottle of brandy with Martin and told him a great deal about the behaviour of adolescents in certain African tribes , a safe subject , and one he was apt to enlarge on when drunk .
29 He said goodbye to the tourist and wished him a pleasant stay .
30 A great looker , and he may have shown his admiration because she had ducked her dark head in mock embarrassment and given him the slowest smile as she had moved away .
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