Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] it in the " in BNC.

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1 The operation of the wheel is unusual , being a variation on the overshot type in which water falls on to the top of the wheel and turns it in the same direction as the water 's flow .
2 ‘ If they keep their bikes in garages , they should consider removing a wheel and putting it in the house .
3 Once they took one away from the woodpile and hid it in the stable and the mother searched everywhere , growing more and more distressed .
4 ‘ I 've bought you a safety seat and fitted it in the back . ’
5 She reached for her mother 's photograph and laid it in the case with the rest of the things .
6 The usual practice in most offices is for a post-clerk or secretary to open all the incoming mail and to place it in the in-tray of the appropriate recipient .
7 On impulse he felt in his pocket for a tenpenny piece and dropped it in the box .
8 I can not believe that many members of the public believe that that is justice , or that it conveys the right message to those who , tonight , will steal a car and race it in the path of some other innocent victim .
9 And I took it out in the spring and put it in the garden and then it revived and came on nice .
10 If you can be bothered , when the competition is over , to write the correct answer on the enclosed p.c. and pop it in the post , I shall be very grateful .
11 Otherwise a data collection exercise is necessary to capture the data and store it in the database .
12 Jack had to fill the coal scuttles , Kevin to bring in the logs , Aengus had to roll yesterday 's papers into sausage-like shapes which would be used for lighting the fires later , Gerry , who was meant to be the animal lover , had to take Oswald for a run in the park , and see that there was something on the bird table in the garden , and Ronan had to open the big heavy curtains in the front rooms , take the milk in from the steps and place it in the big fridge and brush whatever had to be brushed from the big granite steps leading up to the house .
13 This is the last thing of his I 've got , ’ and she took off her gold wedding-ring and threw it in the fire .
14 You can type this at the command prompt or include it in the Autoexec.bat file .
15 And throws it all in puts it all on the plate cold and puts it in the microwave .
16 So I used a large plastic storage box , and filled it with rooted but loose watercress and placed it in the main pool fed by the return flow from a gravity-fed filter .
17 He made a fist and shot it in the air by her cheek .
18 In its origin [ Christianity ] presents to man and woman a glorious picture of sexual integrity : the Son of God who has become man and flesh , knowing from inside his Father 's work and perfecting it in the total self-giving of himself , not only of his spiritual but precisely also of his physical powers , giving not only to one individual but to all .
19 He then removed the window and put it in the new hole and started to fill in the gap at the sides with cement .
20 The aim here is to look at its political and social repercussions and to set it in the wider context of central-local administrative relations .
21 The mass rally in Florence by the Christian Democrats — who are increasing their support in the south and losing it in the north — to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the start of the Christian Democrat movement , and the appeal to ‘ trust those who know how to govern ’ , seemed curiously old-fashioned and out of key .
22 Nevertheless , you can look at the shape of the bouquet and reproduce it in the finished design .
23 He had originally intended to polish up the wood and sell it for five shillings , but when he was fortunate enough to obtain the gramophone he realised he should repair the machine and install it in the cabinet .
24 Now , all I need for you to go and see the skin specialist and get it in the bucket and then there 's
25 Get a forklift and put it in the bloody garden see .
26 However , he is still obsessed with wood and eating it in the park .
27 Rust manoeuvred his wheelchair out from behind the desk and stopped it in the centre of the room .
28 By reserving his rights he does not achieve a legal impasse , and indeed , if this is the goal , he should be advised to terminate the contract and re-negotiate it in the light of the new circumstances .
29 This production , which updates the play and sets it in the sixties , toured the Continent and gave our company the reputation it now enjoys there .
30 Marie smokes a fag while I brush up the hair and stick it in the bin .
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