Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But it was working as a computer specialist in the insurance industry that gave him the necessary experience , most notably the motor insurance experience , he needed .
2 I got to , Benguiat 's girlfriend and told her the whole story and told her to explain to Benguiat and calm him down and he had like threatened to come to Parkinson 's speech and disrupt it and scream liar and things like that at him .
3 The prominent white clasts are fragments of anorthosites — calcium and aluminium-rich rocks that make up the bulk of the lunar highlands crust and give it the light colour that is visible from Earth .
4 He ripped open one of the little silver foil packets and handed her the lubricated ring of rubber .
5 ‘ Mr Lloyd George came … and informed me that he is able to form an administration and told me the proposed names of his colleagues , ’ the King wrote in his diary .
6 THE AUSTRALIANS have decided to concentrate on sevens with the same single-mindedness that won them the 15-a-side title last year .
7 When the order came she reached down to help an older woman to her feet and passed her the well-wrapped bundle , then she turned her back on the men and was swallowed by the mass of female prisoners .
8 I unzipped the pouch round my waist and gave him the small jar of paint and the sawn-off paintbrush .
9 Any account of English book illustration would be inadequate without a tribute to Edmund Evans ( 1826–1905 ) who brought to a wonderful peak of success the revival of the art of colour printing from wood blocks and gave us the delightful colour plate books of Kate Greenaway , ’ Richard E. Doyle , Randolph Caldecott and Walter Crane .
10 Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
11 No I 'll keep it for when I have my money and I 'll go down to Cardiff and spend it the bloody lot .
12 Frustrated but secretly delighted that I had maybe caught him out with shoddy workmanship until an old fellow from Bernera stopped to give me a lift on the way past Carlaway and showed me the right ones , just before the main stones of Callanish .
13 Often bosses ignore workers or give them the silent treatment — a negative , no-win situation for all concerned .
14 The result is a database on which you can search for a favourite author or publisher , or search for packages that give you the required level of coverage of particular elements ( or units ) of competence .
15 This is not to say that the one is better than the other , music and poetry are for ever different and it is the difference that accords us the added joy .
16 It 's a black celebration , a grimy , twisted tribute to an era that gave us The Black Panthers , Jeremy Thorpe and Paper Lace .
17 And it is the freak subversive genius of this record that makes them the single most important rock band of our time .
18 Now , before speaking to that person , whether your boss or partner , ask your mentor to inspire you and to tell you the right time , to choose the right place and to give you the right words and the correct approach — and to help the other party accept what you have to say .
19 He did not accomplish much , beyond making it clear to the owners that , in return for their agreement to a national minimum , he would abandon Samuel and give them the eight-hour day ; but he was thought to have acquitted himself well .
20 ‘ However I wanted to race in Ireland and I was frustrated when the Lisburn club came back to me a few days after I had signed up for the French meeting and gave me the full details .
21 ‘ I 'm sure we should reverse things and do it the other way around as the Americans do but it certainly means we can hit our irons well and , believe me , this course is going to demand exceptional iron play .
22 ‘ I ca n't wait to see shear waters again , ’ I said brightly to the Warden when he came to check that we understood about Calor gas , to remind us to boil the drinking water and to tell us the exact procedure of what to do if we fell down a cliff .
23 okay , again I mean these are things that talk about confirmation I mean quite honestly I 'm I 'd be quite happy if we had offices where people talk to each other ninety per cent of the time rather than send memos and faxes to each other , and on the whole we are really talking about inside the office with the people who we work with I mean obviously clients as well trying to find something different , we tend tend to find that it 's very very easy sometimes to make a phone call it 's much easier to make a phone call and to talk to that person and give them the personal touch .
24 We sat them down and gave them a drink and asked them the usual stuff .
25 I gave McDunn the two names last night and told him the respective professions of their owners , then clammed up , just refused to say any more about them or about the body .
26 She now has a wedding dress that cost me the national debt , but which now bears no relation to the original creation because all the expensive seed-pearls are strewn around her bedroom floor , and which the dog thought would be marvellous to eat and is now residing at the local vet 's and which will cost me even more money .
27 ‘ Two sharks got into the perspex tunnel and believe me the startled look we got from Sean was not anything to do with his acting ability , ’ said Terence .
28 There is , however , an inevitable logic to the appropriation of her meticulously constructed image , a process which the artist was mocking as early as 1933 : ‘ … some of the gringa women are imitating me and trying to dress ‘ a la Mexicana ’ , but the poor souls only look like cabbages and to tell you the naked truth they look absolutely impossible . '
29 Mr Rochester lifted the curtain , opened the secret door and showed us the little room .
30 It 's usual to hang ceiling paper parallel with the main window in the room , but if you 're tackling the job for the first time and the room is noticeably shorter in one dimension , you may find it easier to manage shorter lengths and hang it the other way .
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