Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's your thinking that got you into this place ! ’
2 Alice gratefully laughed with her , feeling privileged and special in this intimacy with Pat that admitted her into important conspiracy .
3 As with normal ISA slots , you 'll be able to take any VL Bus video card and plug it into any motherboard with VL Bus slots — something you ca n't do with proprietary slots .
4 It was the kind of bed that made into a table and bench-seats during the day and you just took the table off its legs and fitted it into some slots for night-time .
5 As Sister and Nurse Robins are swigging coffee with that drag Jones , I took him down the short cut through Eyes and shoved him into 15 .
6 You take your gram and divide it into twenty-five standard hits .
7 Bryant and Bradley chose 65 of the children who had not been very good at categorising sounds at the beginning of the study and divided them into four groups .
8 And though she cherished the times when Friend soared in companionship beside her through forever , always — reluctantly , it seemed sometimes , but always — he would pluck new motes of light and weave them into new shapes for her to read , but the shapes only made sense in their beauty , not in the real world where the coarseness of eating and cleaning and going to the toilet squashed the meanings out of the corners of her eyes .
9 They sorted through the books and divided them into two lots .
10 It did to some extent aggregate demands and turn them into viable policy issues , and it also acted as a downward channel of communication , explaining and rationalizing government policies in the hope of their greater acceptance by the citizens .
11 Many of the individual steps have been identified and considerable efforts are under way to take the steps and combine them into efficient catalytic cycles .
12 Sheer walls thirty feet high enclose you , the way upstream being a clamber up the smooth lip of a nine-foot dry waterfall that takes you into Upper Ease Gill Kirk .
13 Thus , in addition to the general process in which the market registers people 's choices and these feed back into selected or discontinued types of production , there is an evident pressure , at or before the point of production , to reduce costs : either by improving the technical means of reproduction , or by altering the nature of the work or pressing it into other forms .
14 When new ones were completed , the seamstress was told to take out all used dress shields from the old costumes and stitch them into those due to be taken abroad .
15 I take that multiplier and divide it into separate periods of one , three and twelve respectively .
16 When they 're still children a mother or a whore gives them a piece of broken mirror in which they trap a ray of the sun and reflect it into one of the Palace windows .
17 Eventually he took over their management and put them into red patent leather suits , effectively driving the last nail into The Dolls ’ coffin .
18 This nanny worked in the big brewery down Manchester Road , capping the bottles and loading them into wooden crates .
19 We 've flavoured our truffles with Grand Marnier , but for a change try rum , brandy or the almond liqueur Amaretto di Saronno and shape them into small logs or disc shapes .
20 Another extension offered with Open Digital Studio is OpenModel , an Applications Programming Interface that enables users to write custom software to manipulate Alias-created models and import them into other digital media applications .
21 Suppose a firm mines iron ore and converts it into 200 worth of high-grade steel , which is then sold to a car producer .
22 His government has had considerable success in winning over guerrilla field commanders and turning them into semi-autonomous militias with lavish handouts of money and arms .
23 Thomas Cook himself , whose name was to become a by-word for organised tourism in the next twenty-five years , had begun his career arranging such outings and developed it into big business in 1851 .
24 Charnos have taken the microfibre story and turned it into different leg looks — shiny , matt and suede — using the softer , finer handle and textures now available , the products can achieve that smoother than silk feel .
25 Then suddenly a doctor walked in all dressed up in his green gown and a face mask and said , " Hello , this is it then , " and a nurse took my ankles and shoved them into some stirrups and covered me up in all this green cloth .
26 Leaning forward as far as she dared , with the great torso of the suit at a right angle to its legs , she made the claws unhook her wrist computer and plug it into one of the empty sockets on the panel .
27 ‘ So your zeide says , ’ agreed Bertha Cohen as she spread the hake , thoroughly washed and cleaned , on a wooden board and cut it into thick pieces which she liberally sprinkled with salt .
28 Shortly after this , he decided to ditch the one-liner style of stand-up and get rid of his immortal catch-phrase ( ‘ Put that chicken away , missus ! ’ ) in favour of a more confessional comedy routine ; he would gather up the rough , rotting scraps of his experience and weave them into balmy theatrical monologues .
29 It was not until 1880 that elementary education became compulsory and the main drive behind the legislation , according to Landes , was not so much the desire to instruct and educate but rather ‘ to discipline a growing mass of disaffected proletarians and integrate them into British society .
30 I did not want to add to his troubles or to lead him into more danger .
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