Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [verb] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 For this reason , our one-year programme is designed to allow students to take the occupational SVQ at level II in either administration or finance at the same time as the general SVQ at level II in business administration .
2 You may be recalled for a second interview or apply to the same place some time in the future .
3 The annual rate of loss by shipwreck or burning during the same period may have been about 4 percent .
4 They were large animals that lived at the same time as the forerunners of the dinosaurs , the petrolacosaurs .
5 We all the lads that left at the same time , said , we 've got four weeks ' holiday before we look for work .
6 Although yeast bHLH proteins that bind to the same DNA sequence as Myc and Max have been described , they are unlikely to play a significant role in our experiments .
7 Cassettes were reviewed and discussed in type-written fanzines and distributed in the same manner as cassettes , hand to hand .
8 The boys play the role of husbands and behave in the same way as they see their fathers do in their respective homesteads .
9 The history of religions is a history of intolerance and cruelty towards non-believers , and the love extends only to those who are believers and loved by the same supernatural being .
10 I saw women dealing with having kids and working at the same time and the kids were happy because of the closeness with their mother .
11 Extra sanding discs are available for only £2.49 if ordered at the same time as the Bench Sander .
12 As they bind to similar DNA sequences and associate with the same proteins , they are likely to be closely related .
13 The other player then picks up four beads from one hole on her side and plays in the same way .
14 The couple worked at the same tasks as their staff , they dressed in the same way , educated their children at the same schools and ate in the same canteen .
15 Suddenly , a girl aged about 16 walked up from one of the scattered houses in the village and stood in the same spot he intended to use for his photography .
16 After the shelves have been weeded , all other books which are on loan from that section at the time of weeding should be screened on their return and subjected to the same process .
17 Note this second QDM and turn onto the same heading .
18 It is also undeniable that he sees a part of the truth — such ceremonies educated the young at large to respect their elders and betters and to aspire to the same glory ( Polyb. 6.54.3 ) : they were civic festivals .
19 What matters is access to Japan 's markets ; America would be content if Japan increased its imports and exports by the same amount ( leaving the trade balance , and the associated accounting identities , undisturbed ) .
20 We still needed an extension pipe , which was trimmed to length to reach the drain and fitted in the same manner .
21 The scrub community of Allt Volagir , also in South Uist and mentioned in the same paper , is somewhat similar , but Betula pubescens is absent .
22 ‘ He told me about the importance of eating and drinking on the course to maintain my energy level and to keep on the same emotional level throughout a round . ’
23 As it happens , the automated machinery used to build the Metro body is very similar to that used at SAAB and comes from the same manufacturer .
24 They can be located anywhere in the kitchen and attached to the same sort of outlet as an electric stove .
25 From here you can choose either peak as your first , complete the ridge and return to the same point at the river , but it 's recommended that you traverse east to west taking in Sgurr Thuilm as Munro number one .
26 This aspect of option premiums may be seen more clearly if we look at calls and puts with the same exercise price but with different expiry dates .
27 These are portfolios of written calls and puts or bought calls and puts with the same exercise price and expiry date on the same underlying security .
28 It is doubtful whether , given his premises and the situation in which he found himself , he could have done more than convey the expression of widespread discontent and indicate at the same time that something had changed in the Roman governing class .
29 ( 2 ) Nothing in subsection ( 1 ) above shall prohibit or restrict : ( a ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor in any premises at any time within fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if such liquor was supplied in those premises during the permitted hours ; ( b ) the taking of alcoholic liquor from any premises within fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if such liquor was supplied in those premises during the permitted hours and was not supplied or taken away in an open vessel ; ( c ) the sale or supply to , or consumption by , any person of alcoholic liquor in any premises where he is residing ; ( d ) the taking of alcoholic liquor from any premises by a person residing there ; ( e ) the supply of alcoholic liquor , in any premises , for consumption on those premises , to any private friends of a person residing there who are bona fide entertained by , and at the expense of , that person , or the consumption by such friends of alcoholic liquor so supplied to them ; the ordering of alcoholic liquor to be consumed off the premises or the despatch by the vendor of liquor so ordered ; ( g ) the supply of alcoholic liquor for consumption on licensed premises to any private friends of the holder of the licence bona fide entertained by him at his own expense , or the consumption of alcoholic liquor by persons so supplied ; ( h ) the consumption of alcoholic liquor at a meal by any person at any time within half an hour after the conclusion of the permitted hours in the afternoon or evening , as the case may be , if the liquor was supplied during the permitted hours and served at the same time as the meal and for consumption at the meal ; ( i ) the sale of alcoholic liquor to a trader for the purposes of his trade , or to a registered club for the purposes of the club ; or ( j ) the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor to any canteen in which the sale or supply of alcoholic liquor is carried on under the authority of the Secretary of State or to any authorised mess of members of Her Majesty 's naval , military or air forces .
30 For example , the six male dancers do not always appear in the same place nor end in the same pose in the passages mentioned above .
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