Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun] [vb past] the same " in BNC.

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1 Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz expressed his country 's readiness to destroy its chemical weapons stocks on condition that Israel did the same and also signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty , to which Iraq was already a party .
2 Studies of the human oesophagus and duodenum showed the same influence of intestinal tone upon the pressure elastic modulus during distension .
3 Exchange control was introduced in 1930 and has been in force ever since , but subject to the provisions of exchange control it was a basic tenet of pre-communist Hungarian law that foreigners had the same rights as Hungarians in all respects ( but for some professions and performing public functions Hungarian citizenship was necessary ) .
4 Switching between the different combinations of effects and processors produced the same results , and apart from inventing some really stupid effect chains I found plenty of interesting combinations ; these could be mixed with the dry signal without losing any of the basic guitar sound .
5 At the finish the Hungarians outsprinted the Belgians while Ballard/Slater did the same to Williams/Martin a couple of minutes later .
6 The air and water temperature had risen since the early morning frost ; the water level and colour remained the same .
7 Colin and Maud had the same as me
8 100 years ago a legion of artists and craftsmen made the same journey .
9 Serbs and Croats used the same language , and readily married each other , especially in the cities .
10 He was reported to have said that Pakistan had in 1991 frozen production of highly enriched uranium , meeting one of the US demands , but would only destroy its weapons cores if India did the same .
11 The Scholtz Twins , a brother and sister musical act , was also on the bill and Rose and Bernie shared the same theatrical lodgings with Noreen and Maria at the Benson Theatre Home from Home off Vine Street .
12 ‘ I see , ’ she said and then she bowed , very slightly , and Rose and Grace did the same and then all three moved out of the drawing-room , upright and daunting .
13 The regiment worked in four-man modules , each man having a special skill ( i.e. explosives or navigation ) , and officers and men had the same training , so that in the event of casualties they could be virtually interchangeable .
14 I had a theory that Hawaiians had the same kind of relationship with the sea as the Australian aborigines had with the land .
15 In family 1 , the mother , father , and child all had an identical strain ; in family 2 , father and son had a similar related strain ; father and mother had the same strain in family 3 ; and all strains were unique in family 4 .
16 In some cases Christian names were adapted , possibly where father and son had the same Christian name , these then tending to be used in the same way as nicknames .
17 He would provide food for his visitor and Gina did the same for hers .
18 In realising such power , it was argued , cooperators as consumers pursued the same general objectives as trade unionists in their role as producers .
19 Awareness of the social reality of the USSR , recognition that Soviet men and women experienced the same angst as those peoples living in pre-revolutionary societies disturbed Nizan but did not shake his faith in the ultimate justice and morality of the Soviet cause .
20 Sexology and psychology had proved that men and women had the same instinctive need for pleasure and fulfilment .
21 In our study , gender was taken account of in the selection of workshops : we studied workshops with men only , with women only , workshops where men and women did the same work and were paid at the same rate , and those where the sexes did different jobs and men were paid more than women .
22 As everyone feasted themselves Mum went round with the drink , pouring out gin and whisky or stout as they preferred , making sure to test them all as she did so , while Dad and Fred did the same with the ale .
23 The failure of democratic radicalism to develop a doctrine of class conflict was a reflection of this situation : master and man wanted the same relief from conscription and food taxes .
24 Hopes of a US-EC compromise were revived on Jan. 21 after Andriessen promised in Washington , following a meeting with the US Representative for Trade Negotiations , Carla Hills , that the EC was prepared to come forward with specific amendments to the Dunkel plan if the USA and Japan did the same .
25 R and N worked together — D and A did the same .
26 Men in Trudgill 's study under-reported their use of the standard whereas women over-reported the same thing ( see the discussion of status above ) .
27 Mrs Smith was a wild boar too , yet it was quite easy to differentiate them , as their expressions and personalities remained the same and Mr Smith regarded me kindly with little red eyes through the specs on the end of his snout .
28 Thus the first of these groups learned a discrimination between A and C but not between A and B ; the second learned a discrimination between A and B but C and A received the same treatments .
29 For all their liveliness of style any of the above national dances seen in one ballet resemble those in another because choreographers such as Petipa , Bournonville and Saint-Léon utilised the same steps and ports de bras again and again .
30 Evidently this belonged to the couple , for they settled down as though at home and made no objection when Hazel did the same .
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