Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] [noun] [verb] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 However , not all change of state verbs can be expected to occur with adverbal adjectives even then ; for instance , murder and burn do indeed produce a change of state that can be described by an adjective but one which is so intimately linked to the nature of the verb and so banally obvious that the adjective describing the object is otiose .
2 Kipling and Elgar need never have been .
3 Though , ’ he smiled at the girl , ‘ Mistress Philippa and Geoffrey had best stay together .
4 In other words , all religion and morality are the product of the class struggle and communism does indeed intend to abolish eternal truths , to abolish all religion and to abolish all morality .
5 When miners , chemical workers or railwaymen do actually defy the ban and strike this winter , he will need to be reminded or disaster will ensue .
6 for the central ideas of structuralism and post-structuralism do indeed spring from the study of language as the human way of ordering experience .
7 For a pilot , it is perhaps one of the most agreeable settings in which to ply his profession — even though fog , gales and ice do sometimes demand the limits of his skills .
8 He argues on the basis of his recent survey of working class home owners that ownership does indeed influence political alignments , especially within the middle classes .
9 Although evidence that Sheffield did any work appears lacking , his might well have been the activity reported by Dickson .
10 All we can do is hope that Mrs W. will cool off and in the meantime , Edward , I 'm sorry but honestly I think Mary or Janice had better take over Junior Biology . ’
11 High-church men such as Gladstone and Wilberforce did indeed stick closer to the literal text of the Bible than their twentieth-century successors would ; they saw all its books as an inspired unit , ‘ Holy Scripture ’ .
12 ‘ I know , dear — there is a farm next door to us back on the dear old homestead and Daddy does usually describe himself as a farmer — but I meant that we capitalist parasites would be taking the place of the oxen , not the horny-handed salt-of-the-earth types cracking the whip over them . ’
13 The common use of man or mankind does also hide the fact that women have an experience and a history of their own .
14 In spite of problems with the data , a number of themes and trends do however emerge .
15 I acquainted the Principal with the burden of my reply to Rosa : I had explained that it was less a question of manners than of physiology , and that extreme decrepitude and senescence did often lead to withering of the bicep and tricep muscles , which in turn led to a breakdown in the chain of command from cerebral GHQ to courting finger .
16 Any organisation dismissing that vision as science-fiction had better look out .
17 While deprecating such tactics as not being in the spirit of scientific inquiry , nevertheless Johanson and others do quickly get around to innuendos about Kalb 's sources of finance .
18 Gide 's narrative of a development from the desire for self-redemption in the space of the other , through the loss of self at the ecstatic height of this existential quest , to the unresolved sense of desire itself as a kind of loss , is amenable to a similar analysis ; in Gide 's case image and fantasy do indeed figure transgressively on the borders of history and the unconscious .
19 For once a Government minister should accept that ethics and accountability do still have some meaning in British democracy . ’
20 Stevedoring is provided by Larne Harbour Limited and it is the company 's proud boast that customers need only make one phone call to complete their requirements .
21 And Unigram 's generally reliable sources reiterated their claims that USL did indeed talk to the Santa Cruz Operation about acquisition ( UX No 396 ) , and now add that USL ca n't possibly decide what to do about SCO until after it knows whether USL itself is going public , going for another investment round or going to get acquired .
22 The debate is now largely ‘ old hat ’ in the sociology of education and there is a general consensus that schools do indeed impart values , but these are usually modified or developed versions of already existing dominant values of the society of which they form a part , including a number of parental values .
23 Most patients clinically suspected of dumping or diarrhoea after having a vagotomy or gastrectomy did indeed exhibit abnormally rapid gastric emptying .
24 This greater variety than that envisaged by Morgan or Engels does certainly modify the picture .
25 The fact that Governors need only pay £20 flabbergasted me … anyone desiring the privilege of that title should certainly be asked to contribute £50pa .
26 His aspect was cheerful and his speech and motion did both declare him a gentleman . ’
27 ( Leeds and Huddersfield do no have furniture services ) .
28 Perhaps one agrees that expansion of the money supply and inflation do often go together but refuses to accept it as significant unless told why .
29 Sin and sex do somehow go together and this seems to tie in with the distinction I made much earlier on between the scientific view that man differs from other animals only in degree and the religious view that there is an essential difference in kind .
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