Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] the first [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now and that 's for my benefit alone okay , what that means is that I 'll see each and every one of you in a , a role play so the first person in each role play will be Robert , Barry and Gareth , followed by Gill , , followed by Bill , Roger and Vincent and Robert again you do not deviate from that order .
2 The point of issue is that estuary and coastal zone management is a reality and what seems to be happening is all sorts of different plans are popping up on various estuaries and Geoff knows them well now because he 's been involved with the one on the Stour and Orwell and what is happening is that these are starting at local level so the first contact with sailors may be from a local authority or someone at local level .
3 However , in this case only the first reference to any descriptor appears in an index , while all further linkages are made from record to record ( rather as in a chain of synonyms in a direct file ) .
4 Eight days later the first Duke of Wellington was calling on her with reports of a coming clash : the king 's desired divorce from Queen Caroline .
5 It was Addison , formerly President of the Local Government Board , but with its demise now the first Minister of Health , who introduced the programme which articulated Lloyd George 's election promise to the voters of Wolverhampton in November 1918 that returning soldiers should have ‘ homes fit for heroes ’ .
6 Employees in the leisure department have worked extremely hard to bring this prestige event to Stockton and we end up with a situation where the first person of the town is kicking us in the teeth . ’
7 A combative mood at the congress had been set at the very opening of proceedings when the first speaker in the debate on the agenda , Vladimir Bludov from Magadan in the Far East , had called for the entire politburo to resign .
8 That chapter ends with the calming of the storm where the first hint of ‘ failure ’ on the part of the disciples is found .
9 Many of these have been published as national biographical repertories , but not all are complete ( that for France , for example , had reached the letter D when the first edition of this book appeared and has now , nineteen years later , almost completed G , Italy , in the same time , has got from B to C. Works for reference such as these form the scholarly end of a spectrum of contemporary works which runs at its other extreme into straightforward journalism .
10 What needs to be stressed at this juncture is the fact that this historical moment , the focus of attention in this book , centred as it is on the literary production of an interwar French communist writer , marks only the first phase of development of French socialist realism , a phase characterised in the international sphere by an objective alliance after 1934 between Western liberalism and Soviet communism designed to counter the threat of fascism , and characterised in the French national context by practical collaboration between the PCF and bourgeois liberal parties .
11 The judge found that the police had been engaged in a trick or deceit , had not acted as agents provocateurs or incited crime , had provided no market which would not have been available elsewhere , and had had grounds to suspect that each appellant had committed an offence by the time when the first sale by him was transacted , but that he had not been cautioned .
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