Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] as she [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Laura could n't seem to tear her eyes away as she absorbed the man 's hawk-like , tanned face and the sensual appeal of his tall , broad-shouldered body elegantly clad in a black long-tailed jacket and dark-striped trousers .
2 Rain heard her flow of talk about the journey from Nice break off as she noticed the view from the window , an oppressive sky , a turbulent sea .
3 She noticed Ian flush as she retailed the little she knew of their contents .
4 She opened the throttle again as she reached the quarter mile straight of Castle Walk
5 Spires of crimson and carmine and blood were the rocks , changing colour even as she watched the new day burn off their sugar-frost coating .
6 There were no sounds aboard as she crossed the gangway .
7 ‘ I have , ’ said Aunt Lou fortissimo as she led the way into her ground floor flat , ‘ made us bean casserole . ’
8 Wendell Harvey regarded his daughter thoughtfully as she rearranged the big vase of flowers one of the servants had just carried into the room .
9 FILM star Audrey Hepburn fought back tears yesterday as she re-lived the horrors of famine-stricken Somalia .
10 Pete stood on the porch and tried to make Alina out as she climbed the path toward the highest part of the headland .
11 It would not be right to celebrate a society in which Afro-American women could make quilts and gardens but not write essays , and indeed Walker condemns that society even as she evokes the value of the gardens and the quilts .
12 Despair washed through Isabel again as she remembered the cutting disdain in fitzAlan 's eyes , too distressed at the moment to be angered by his instant acceptance of Matilda 's explanation .
13 Julia admits that she resents linguistic laws just as she resents the canon law of the Church : ‘ I 'm interested in language as a process , not a thing or an essence .
14 ‘ Are you sure she wo n't mind a total stranger calling on her ? ’ asked Melissa doubtfully as she took the proffered piece of paper .
15 She had made it halfway before deciding to come up for air , turning her face upwards as she broke the surface only to collide in a tangle of arms and legs , with a strong , masculine body .
16 Her face set in a mask of intense fury , she slammed the doors hard as she left the court .
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