Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [noun prp] do not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 All MIPS buildings , except for one in Korea where SGI does n't have an office , are scheduled to be closed down by August .
2 But the remarkable thing is that three years ago Euravia did n't exist at all — except in the mind of its founder , Denis Mendoros , who had only lately arrived from his native Greece .
3 Reynard shrugged and silently handed Jahsaxa the report he 'd had printed , showing all the places where Tammuz did n't appear and which , given his profession , he should have done .
4 There was a moment when Sarella did n't know whether to run from the office or burst into tears .
5 Like most families then Jill did n't have a fridge so shopping was a daily event though she had a ventilated larder to store some perishables .
6 For deep injuries to muscles and joints when Arnica does not seem to be working well enough .
7 With deep injuries to muscles and joints when Arnica does not seem to be working well enough .
8 There were Sundays when Dadda did n't come to lunch , when depression kept him from stirring out of doors .
9 The second reason why God does not give up on you as a hopeless case is because he can see the future .
10 Thankfully Steve was totally enraptured by the beautiful Maria Luisa so Ruth did n't have him on her conscience .
11 We have to go to Livy and to minor sources for evidence of the conflicts inside the Roman ruling class and between Romans and allies in the first half of the second century B.C. Polybius does not seem to have noticed the feuds inside Rome which accompanied what may appear to us the most uncontroversial aspect of the Roman expansion in Liguria and in Piedmont .
12 I told Debbie about the house only John did n't know .
13 He 'd never known a time when Klein did n't need money for some gambit or other , and that meant he needed painters .
14 In those days , Robinson was in the side mainly because he was a willing workhorse at a time when Yorkshire did not have a surfeit of senior fast bowlers .
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