Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His pursuit of the same approach in his cantatas arose perhaps from a firm conviction of what would succeed in a genre so closely allied to opera , perhaps from innate conservatism .
2 The rate of accumulation in those branches most closely tied to investment ( machinery , metals , construction ) reached 25–35 per cent per year , implying a doubling of the capital stock every three years or less .
3 For example , fraud and forgery usually only come to light when an organisation discovers the offender .
4 There was no hint of any emotion even distantly related to nervousness in those dark , intelligent , ruthless eyes .
5 The statistic most often used to measure within-group variability is the standard deviation , although there are other possibilities .
6 The orang-utan is the primate most closely related to man ; its lively facial expressions show remarkable similarities to those of humans .
7 The ribbon could be fed into a casting machine in another part of the building , where it cast single characters , producing a quality of type much better suited to bookwork than was a Linotype slug .
8 Suffice to say that his repeated harking-back to the subject did not please those islanders who considered the issue long since laid to rest .
9 Conceptions which in the 1960s might have precipitated a ‘ forced ’ marriage now either lead to abortion or , increasingly , to births in non-marital unions , concerning which more will be said later .
10 Although sequencing errors may occur as a result of either left or right sided lesions ( Kim , Royer , Bonstelle and Boller , 1980 ) it is generally held that left hemisphere damage more frequently leads to impairment .
11 Hunt , on the other hand , was — that year at least — a driver more utterly dedicated to victory in the Churchillian sense : he wanted the unconditional surrender of the rest of the field .
12 The motion , tabled when the government invoked a technical measure to pass the first reading of the 1993 budget without a division , failed when the Communist Party ( PCF ) deputies once again refused to back it , saying that they would not vote with the right .
13 These cases hardly ever go to court , but publishers have a long record of paying up and shutting up .
14 The reductivist enterprise thus inevitably comes to grief , and it is not altogether surprising that it does .
15 Of the two free-standing colleges , Bishop Grosseteste is endeavouring to diversify by offering courses of general education not directly related to teacher training , while Matlock has remained essentially a monotechnic institution , offering initial and in-service teacher-training courses .
16 Delegates expressed the hope that the environmental damage caused during the Gulf War — in particular Iraq 's release of oil slicks and the firing of Kuwaiti oil wells and the UN coalition 's bombing of nuclear , chemical and biological warfare facilities — would focus governments ' attention on the need to deal with the environmental dimension of modern warfare and to outlaw environmentally damaging actions not directly related to war arms .
17 It may be helpful to management to express both stock level and debtors in terms of weeks of sales , giving figures more easily related to company day-to-day operations .
18 It may be helpful to management to express both stock level and debtors in terms of weeks of sales , giving figures more easily related to company day-to-day operations .
19 With effect from I January 1992 the ‘ old ’ offences at paragraphs ( f ) and ( g ) of regulation 27(1) of the 1986 Regulations no longer apply to passenger motor cars other than motor cars constructed or adapted to carry more than eight seated passengers in addition to the driver , or to goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight which does not exceed 3,500 kg .
20 With the fire behind her , he could see the shadowy curve of her breasts through the thin material , and its ragged hem now only reached to mid-thigh .
21 He has also had to counter allegations that he is dragging television down-market then listen to television pundits witter on about skirt lengths , sexual chemistry and the F-factor , under the guise of highbrow criticism .
22 Her large supporting cast never really comes to life , and she allows too many strangely unfocused interruptions to her narrative flow .
23 It is ironic that this should have happened under a Government so strongly committed to decentralisation , privatisation and the reduction of the role of the state .
24 However , ta'kwakomena not only refers to responsibility , but to personal autonomy in general .
25 His wit not only aimed to amuse but also to reform .
26 It might therefore be expected that sequences corresponding to ZNF11 would also be duplicated in the apes , but not necessarily in species more distantly related to man .
27 Certainly this event postdates the mammalian radiation , since species more distantly related to man than the old world monkeys do not possess multiple copies of KOX2-related sequences .
28 In 1989 , however , the 1980 , 1981 and 1982 extensions were repealed so that the relief now only applies to business assets .
29 Some wrasse are quite unsuitable to be accommodated within the invertebrate , or reef tank , but the genus Cirrhilabrus embraces a ‘ full house ’ of species seemingly eminently suited to life in the reef aquarium .
30 Born in London , an ex-punk who started acting while at art school during a course in sculpture , Roth never actually went to drama college ( aside from one afternoon when he got pissed and snuck into RADA to see what he 's missed ) .
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