Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The decision — or , as we have seen , more commonly non-decision — to use a particular type of credit is of course only part of the process .
2 In this case only part of the tax paid in total ( distance 34 ) is paid by the workers ( W O W E ) : the remainder of the tax ( W O W M ) finds its incidence on consumers in the form of higher labour input costs .
3 It had been made by in 1906 , at Port Sonachan , and was stamped ‘ DS 1906 ’ , with an upside down horseshoe on the base .
4 Was all this emotion merely suggestibility to the day 's teaching ?
5 Her house was falling down , a tree growing out of the chimney , and purple buddleia all summer from the guttering and up over her windowsills .
6 Mr Major believes any rebellion can be quelled by extending the debate on Scotland and continuing to drive home the message that devolution leading to independence would harm Scottish interests , reduce Scotland 's influence within the EC , and cause political uncertainty which would draw investment away south of the border and abroad .
7 Look carefully at the cut away section of the house below and , using your skill and judgement , see if you can spot the five different safety hazards in the picture .
8 In my first week at work there occurred an extremely gory accident at the College crossing , a point where the main line of the railway crosses the motor road to Regina just east of the city .
9 These Regulations permit us to charge up to 3 months further interest beyond the date on which you repay the loan .
10 These Regulations permit us to charge up to 3 months further interest beyond the date on which you repay the loan .
11 Anybody who might have been er at the Tesco store on Saturday any time during the day who might have seen the pony or even people who walk their dogs because the field 's used quite extensively for dog walkers .
12 Initially it was not entirely clear how they , or other British units further west along the frontier , should be expected to respond if the Croats made a concerted advance further into Austria .
13 The Council " notes that there is a wide recognition of the need to extend or define the Community 's competence in specific areas " , among them : " the social dimension , including the need for social dialogue ; economic and social cohesion among the member states ; improved protection of the environment in order to ensure sustainable growth ; the health sector and in particular the combating of major diseases ; a research effort commensurate with the development of the Community 's competitive capacity ; an energy policy aiming at greater security and efficiency , bearing in mind also co-operation in the whole of Europe [ a Dutch proposal ] ; providing the Community with major infrastructures , allowing also the completion of a trans-European network ; safeguarding the diversity of the European heritage and promoting cultural exchanges and education … "
14 This is very likely to signify an alliance with her family , and nothing illustrates better how discontent among the English provided political opportunities for the Scandinavians .
15 One of the country 's main routes to the south coast will be affected for months when part of the bridge is rebuilt .
16 It was Friday when artwork for the tube design arrived .
17 You are also told not to take the carriage too par past the knitting as this would alter the tension .
18 It was only when I entered the Arab quarter , a network of dusty roads and wastelands of rubble interspersed with a few small houses just south of the city , that a Palestinian remembered the name .
19 Three 12year-olds were rescued by the Tynemouth inshore lifeboat after being cut off by the tide just south of the Marsden Grotto at South Shields .
20 The quarries were situated just below Upper Halling and were linked to the factory by a tramway which crossed the A 228 by level crossing just south of the Church and then passed across the S.E. Railway line by means of a bridge .
21 Far from guarding mystical secrete , however , the transvestite eunuchs running this shrine employ rather more basic method of impregnating their female guests — a sinister twist whose destructive effects only surface after the baby 's birth .
22 Wished them both goodnight — very respectable — and drove off back to his home , a big country house in a village just north of the city , called Kahlenbergerdorf . ’
23 It was in fact off Belle Île just south of the entrance to the Bay , which then curves east towards Vannes , where the invasion force from the Morbihan was waiting to embark , that soon after dawn on the morning of Tuesday 20 November 1759 Hawke was able to make the classic signal ‘ French fleet in sight ’ .
24 Elsewhere small flocks usually winter along the coast between Goring and Worthing and at Rye Harbour , but totals do not often exceed about 50 birds .
25 Younger men sometimes criss-crossed the frontiers of Carolingian regna : middle-age brought a tendency to settle down in the regnum where closeness to the king ( modern German historians have coined the useful term Königsnähe ) had brought greatest rewards .
26 Since Lothar had been summoned to meet his father at Worms at the beginning of July , he was already in the far north of Italy en route to the Rhineland when news of the emperor 's death reached him .
27 The affinity of each repressor mutant was estimated by serial twofold dilution of the cell extracts across the range where retardation of the DNA fragments was observed .
28 He felt that such a clause would be unreasonable , since the ship was likely to break down in circumstances where return to the yard would be impracticable .
29 And his notes for the course on lyric ( prepared in the spring of 1869 ) show him devoting ten times more space to the dithyramb , of which next to nothing had survived from antiquity , than to the epinician , the kind immortalized by Pindar and the only kind that had survived in any bulk . "
30 The prize will include return flights and seven nights on a room only basis at The Cotton Bay Club .
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