Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [vb base] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These rules only apply to distraints for rent .
2 That dominance is now being challenged as PC manufacturers slowly come to terms with the potential market for desktop publishing .
3 Special community charge rules already apply to students in higher education at universities and polytechnics .
4 The classifications of maternal causes of death in the eight and ninth revisions are practically identical , since causes B40 from the earlier 1965 revision and AM42 from the next ( 1975 ) revision both refer to deaths from abortion , and cause B41 from the next ( 1975 ) revision both refer to deaths from abortion , and cause B41 from the earlier revision was only divided into two parts AM43 and AM44 in the later revision .
5 The classifications of maternal causes of death in the eight and ninth revisions are practically identical , since causes B40 from the earlier 1965 revision and AM42 from the next ( 1975 ) revision both refer to deaths from abortion , and cause B41 from the next ( 1975 ) revision both refer to deaths from abortion , and cause B41 from the earlier revision was only divided into two parts AM43 and AM44 in the later revision .
6 Dutch kennels often travel to Germany for the larger shows .
7 Daniel Hersheson then set to work on Pamela 's hair , cutting it into a more tailored and modern style .
8 None of either type quite come to mind at present but , still , it is the latter bunch who are likely to become rich or famous or both .
9 Restrictions of this kind usually relate to changes to the share capital or constitution of the company ; any transactions outside the usual scope of its business or material transactions within the scope of its business ; and transactions between the company and management .
10 The other major problem is that many applications still refer to fonts by ID number rather than by name , Aldus PageMaker is an honourable exception .
11 Difficulties in interpreting data on Eurocurrency often lead to problems in assessing the market 's economic influence .
12 In the main , sporting accidents affect young adults ; the more challenging and potentially dangerous sports inevitably appeal to people in that age group .
13 Two documents written two days apart refer to actions of each family concerning the rights and inheritance of the heirs .
14 Displacements of atoms during a molecular vibration therefore lead to distortions in the electric charge distribution of the molecule , which can be resolved into dipole , quadrupole , octopole , etc. terms in various directions .
15 Philosophers of all kinds continually look to thinkers from previous times for inspiration and argument , and schools can often be distinguished by which predecessors they read and discuss .
16 The latest investigations also relate to incidents in 1988 when Mrs Mandela had returned to Soweto after years of banishment by the authorities to a remote town in the Orange Free State and had surrounded herself with a bodyguard of ‘ football club ’ thugs .
17 Whilst Riley speaks specifically of the primacy of sight , her paintings constantly allude to states at the limits of meaning .
18 Carolingian sources usually refer to counts without specifying their civitates at all ( which explains why it is impossible to give a complete list of counts for any ninth-century county ) .
19 It also states in para 12 that ‘ the principles set out above in respect of disposals also apply to closures of businesses and to negative goodwill ’ .
20 Special provisions also apply to advertisements for listed and unlisted securities .
21 It should be noted that the anti-discrimination statutes also apply to termination of partnerships by this means .
22 Mr Robinson continued : ‘ The Premier League executives now talk to clubs between meetings to get a better understanding .
23 A reminder of this basic definition is necessary because partisans of the STV often refer to PR in loose and impressionistic terms .
24 If you are interested in finding out more about the courses at either of these establishments please write to Christopher c/o The Artist magazine , and we will forward your letters on to him
25 In his letter to the auditor , councillor O Muilleoir said the council had ‘ worn a path to the travel agents ' door ’ with trips to Thiepval and other war sites including : June-July 1988 six council representatives ( all unionist ) toured Somme battle sites for one week June-July 1989 , a week long visit to France by four unionists cost £1,984
26 ‘ Anyway , ’ I continue ( while we have it , let's press the advantage home ) , ‘ you know as well as I do that these couplings between the separate spheres always come to grief in the end . ’
27 The Transactions of the local Archaeological , Antiquarian or Historical Society , or specialist local histories often refer to features in the landscape such as stones or holy wells which have since vanished or been forgotten about .
28 This is a vulnerable moment in our lives and the way the funeral and its aftermath are handled can affect how people subsequently come to terms with their bereavement .
29 Cases frequently come to light in which submissive children have been treated literally like household slaves , often into late middle-age , by domineering parents .
30 Will the sanctions placed on Iraq eventually lead to peace in the Gulf ?
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