Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [vb past] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 SERB Premier Milan Panic yesterday vowed to shut down the Yugoslav torture camps within 30 days .
2 As a result , people in these institutions quickly came to take on the roles and goals which these institutions required for their survival .
3 IN A move which highlights the hard times facing the City , more than 200 institutions yesterday agreed to take on the risk of underwriting the £5.3billion water sell-off at commission rates worth a total of just £33million .
4 The defences of Wytschaete were penetrated early in the morning and British troops immediately began to move down the eastern slopes of the ridge .
5 Dot in the conservatory watched as Loopy Lil slowly tried to pick up the unsteady tray of china .
6 The treaty imposed more onerous obligations on the Scots than on the French , but in the spring of 1334 Philip VI invited David II to seek refuge in France , and Philip now began to step up the diplomatic pressure on Edward 11I .
7 A Servitor hastily scuttled to wipe up the spillage .
8 The Danzig authorities immediately began to drag out the renewal of the Accord and , hoping perhaps to stop the visit altogether , told the British that all procedures were in temporary suspension and that this would prevent the Poles from greeting the British in the agreed manner .
9 Nevertheless , working class women could still filter out useful information from a visit to a School for Mothers , and as the local authorities increasingly came to take over the Schools and Babies ' Welcomes and turn them into infant welfare centres , so they became more acceptable to working class women .
10 Those closest to Camilla yesterday tried to play down the scandal .
11 The government also failed to take up the recommendation to ‘ ring-fence ’ community care budget allocations , except in the case of mental health services where they did agree to a specific grant which would only be spent on community care service plans developed jointly by the health and social services .
12 His sister then helped to bring up the child while Gustav was in Moscow for two years , at the university and taking the political indoctri-nation .
13 It amazed me to think that even though the gay bar had been situated up those dark stairs for many years , the straight men downstairs managed to keep up the impetus so that no queen should pass without an insult .
14 Benjamin 's hands positively itched to take down the leather , jewel-embossed tomes ( so did mine for other reasons ) , but Mandeville shook his head .
15 Mr Major clearly tried to cheer up the troops , and succeeded by promising them all a free 10-minute call home at Christmas .
16 Mr Major clearly tried to cheer up the troops , and succeeded by promising them all a free 10-minute call home at Christmas .
17 Four Ministers apparently tried to cover up the truth by hiding under a cloak of secrecy .
18 A minute later , as they left Mariánské Láznë behind , Fabia suddenly started to wonder why the blazes she was being so assertive .
19 Storm clouds outside had made even the stained glass windows a uniform grey .
20 Peace arbitrators thus came to epitomize not the " representative " but the " personal " or the " ministerial " approach to the management of the countryside .
21 A Downing Street spokeswoman yesterday sought to play down the significance of the meeting , saying : ‘ The Prime Minister sees all sorts of people from time to time to talk about issues that interest her . ’
22 Finland also attempted to shore up the markka with the appointment of a new woman central bank governor , Sirkka Haemaelaeinen , described by one banker as a ‘ market orientated tough egg ’ .
23 and then they were bussed to an Acton crossroads where erm a rather bemused erm billeting , Chief Billeting Officer then had to decide where the buses had got to go
24 A Squadron certainly did keep up the pressure and achieved the desired result , mining and ambushing merrily .
25 Godolphin only had to pick up the encyclopaedia and he was ready to put on his boots and set off for the Dominions again .
26 Since there is also other well known evidence collected by Sachs , Kirkpatrick , Zaslaw and others from L'Affilard , Pajot , la Chapelle , Marguet , Quantz , Pasquali , Choquel , Engramelle et al. , indicating that from 1717 to 1775 minuets were danced both fast and slow , anywhere between MM 53 and 80 per bar , is it really likely that it was only during the 1780s that musicians of the time just happened to slow down the minuet , playing only the bottom side of minuet tempos and not the top side then to speed up again afterwards by the 1790s and 1800s ?
27 UEFA also agreed to put back the forthcoming tie 24 hours after a request from the Blues who were concerned about the damage live TV would inflict on gate receipts .
28 Strikingly , MITI frequently tried to slow down the rate of accumulation to avoid overcapacity , a problem exacerbated by the increasing size of new plants which reduced the number to be built each year .
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