Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When the philosopher-agronomists advocated new crops and new methods they were met with the excuse so often given to Cavanilles on his tour of Aragon , ‘ We do as our fathers do . ’
2 His pursuit of the same approach in his cantatas arose perhaps from a firm conviction of what would succeed in a genre so closely allied to opera , perhaps from innate conservatism .
3 The rate of accumulation in those branches most closely tied to investment ( machinery , metals , construction ) reached 25–35 per cent per year , implying a doubling of the capital stock every three years or less .
4 This delegation apparently then returned to Moscow and told the members of the future SCSE ( excluding Tizyakov and Starodubtsev ) , as well as Lukyanov and Foreign Affairs Minister Aleksandr Bessmertnykh , that they had found Gorbachev seriously ill .
5 There was no hint of any emotion even distantly related to nervousness in those dark , intelligent , ruthless eyes .
6 The statistic most often used to measure within-group variability is the standard deviation , although there are other possibilities .
7 The orang-utan is the primate most closely related to man ; its lively facial expressions show remarkable similarities to those of humans .
8 Figaro was his first real success , and he and Mozart worked closely on the text , toning down the political comment , and emphasizing the comic ( buffo ) elements so perfectly suited to Mozart 's deft , sparkling setting .
9 The ribbon could be fed into a casting machine in another part of the building , where it cast single characters , producing a quality of type much better suited to bookwork than was a Linotype slug .
10 Suffice to say that his repeated harking-back to the subject did not please those islanders who considered the issue long since laid to rest .
11 They are fascinating in themselves , but they also offer us humans many of the benefits of pet ownership more commonly attributed to dogs and cats .
12 The precise purposes of the Directive and the ways in which ‘ countryside conservation ’ and agricultural support could be integrated could have been spelt out more clearly in its text but the document contains a considerable amount of flexibility in the implementation of its many provisions , a flexibility frequently not used to advantage .
13 But the pivoting glances which now fell full upon Sam and Vera Kronquist almost immediately reverted to Chief Inspector Morse as the latter rounded off his background summary .
14 Within another mile they had both witnessed so many stretchers , so many bodies and so many limbs no longer attached to bodies that no one had the stomach for jokes .
15 The committee did not endorse the Schools Council 's wish to see CEE courses closely linked to CSE courses and grades ; it would prefer to see CEE course more closely linked to FE courses ( themselves in need of a simpler structure ) and more vocational in emphasis .
16 Hunt , on the other hand , was — that year at least — a driver more utterly dedicated to victory in the Churchillian sense : he wanted the unconditional surrender of the rest of the field .
17 The motion , tabled when the government invoked a technical measure to pass the first reading of the 1993 budget without a division , failed when the Communist Party ( PCF ) deputies once again refused to back it , saying that they would not vote with the right .
18 One of the partners in the scheme was Robert Southey , at that time a poet and rebel against established ideas like Coleridge himself ; married couples were needed for the venture , which of course fell through , leaving Coleridge rather unsuitably married to Southey 's sister-in-law .
19 Of the two free-standing colleges , Bishop Grosseteste is endeavouring to diversify by offering courses of general education not directly related to teacher training , while Matlock has remained essentially a monotechnic institution , offering initial and in-service teacher-training courses .
20 Ekeus also indicated that Iraq had conceded " full , final and complete disclosure " of various other ballistic and chemical weapons programmes and had admitted to destroying up to 800 missiles not previously declared to UN inspectors — a move subsequently verified by Boothby on March 23 .
21 Delegates expressed the hope that the environmental damage caused during the Gulf War — in particular Iraq 's release of oil slicks and the firing of Kuwaiti oil wells and the UN coalition 's bombing of nuclear , chemical and biological warfare facilities — would focus governments ' attention on the need to deal with the environmental dimension of modern warfare and to outlaw environmentally damaging actions not directly related to war arms .
22 It may be helpful to management to express both stock level and debtors in terms of weeks of sales , giving figures more easily related to company day-to-day operations .
23 It may be helpful to management to express both stock level and debtors in terms of weeks of sales , giving figures more easily related to company day-to-day operations .
24 The exhibition most deliberately linked to Columbus was that at the Musée Barbier-Mueller in Geneva , the catalogue for which is a magnificent book , written by eight authors , half of whose essays were translated into French ( Spanish and Catalan editions are available but not an English translation ) .
25 Lovell was a Bristol poet of minor talents whose rich Quaker family had disowned him for his marriage that year to a beautiful actress called Mary Fricker , one of five sisters already well known to Southey .
26 It is ironic that this should have happened under a Government so strongly committed to decentralisation , privatisation and the reduction of the role of the state .
27 His wit not only aimed to amuse but also to reform .
28 It might therefore be expected that sequences corresponding to ZNF11 would also be duplicated in the apes , but not necessarily in species more distantly related to man .
29 Certainly this event postdates the mammalian radiation , since species more distantly related to man than the old world monkeys do not possess multiple copies of KOX2-related sequences .
30 Some wrasse are quite unsuitable to be accommodated within the invertebrate , or reef tank , but the genus Cirrhilabrus embraces a ‘ full house ’ of species seemingly eminently suited to life in the reef aquarium .
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