Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [prep] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Steroids , which attack the root of asthma , are widely recommended by doctors but they also have side effects and take effect only after about a week .
2 Q3 losses down by almost a half at $2.4m produced a deficit $14.8m lower at $5.2m .
3 Maxim bypassed the village completely map-reading George up a third road above the farm and they left the car there with perhaps a quarter-mile walk down into the valley and up again to the cottage .
4 After the besieged had licked the corners of their mouths and sucked their fingers clean one by one , the cold ocean of hunger closed over their heads again with scarcely a ripple to be seen .
5 It 's not all good : you can never find a toothbrush in our house and you dare n't put your keys down for even an instance .
6 ‘ We ought to get Karen here at least a week before she leaves , ’ he said to Celia that weekend , ‘ so she knows the routine . ’
7 He 'll be able to return to his Florida oceanside home in just a couple of hours .
8 And er so I mean it 's you know , I am a politician I mean you know , it 's in the blood I 've b been in the in the House of Commons now for about a quarter of a century .
9 All three have been attending Medau classes regularly for over a year now an have taken part in rallies etc .
10 Lacrosse can focus on a small area and resolve details down to perhaps a metre , or sacrifice clarity to cover a larger area .
11 Even worse hit was Nissan , with September sales down by nearly a half from 11,871 to 6058 .
12 They do the operation and keep the woman there for about an hour then give her 50 rupees .
13 French names like New Man and Rodier Hommes were innovators in the 1970s , offering men a complete coordinated collection instead of just a range of suits or a collection of shirts .
14 Liebermann , so Vincent had heard , had once established his base there for quite a while .
15 His presence there for over a year was a useful lever for Russia , which therefore replaced China as a contender for dominant influence in the peninsula .
16 ‘ You 're going to have to have a fairly visible presence there for quite a while to put the authoritarian opponents on notice that we mean business . ’
17 Yet such an assessment ignores the independent forces at work in the interwar years which caused economic performance to fall well below economic potential ; it also fails to take into account the record of poor growth over at least a quarter-century before 1914 .
18 Three quarters of the respondents were using their system up to twice a week .
19 ‘ A bloody good thing or our childhood would have been a misery instead of just a bore . ’
20 They presented a target thus for only a matter of seconds , though three of them fell in that time ; then they were hand-to-hand and at blows with the prince 's bodyguard and this was battle as it had formerly been understood between knights , and the hovering archers were crippled and out of the fight .
21 Cassie stayed at her family home for nearly a week , but on the Monday , with her parents due to leave the following morning , she packed her bags and prepared to go .
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