Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time pipe ropes on to the lifebelts and for the anchor .
2 Where the inner band had stuck to the hair all around the sides and back , she had to chop the hair off right to the skin so that he finished up with a bald white ring round his head , like some sort of a monk .
3 The wire ends , suitably cleaned of enamel , then go through the board along with the pins and are soldered into place where indicated .
4 ‘ It is morally the right thing to do , ’ said McFarlane , dropping it like a swift brick in among the parentheses and qualifications and regrets .
5 I mean , I could go from anywhere , Lowerick down to the borders and I 'd I 'd be , I 'd feel at home , but I would n't feel I mean , I went down to England for something like four days , and like from Berwick , ma , about it must be about ten miles from Berwick to the Scottish , the Scotland thing and I was a craning my head out the bus window to see it !
6 so , he said that she 's feeling a bit down in the dumps and quite moody .
7 Yeah they put additional money in on the pilots but
8 Jack had to fill the coal scuttles , Kevin to bring in the logs , Aengus had to roll yesterday 's papers into sausage-like shapes which would be used for lighting the fires later , Gerry , who was meant to be the animal lover , had to take Oswald for a run in the park , and see that there was something on the bird table in the garden , and Ronan had to open the big heavy curtains in the front rooms , take the milk in from the steps and place it in the big fridge and brush whatever had to be brushed from the big granite steps leading up to the house .
9 Figure 1 shows several of the most elementary transformations together with the rules that generate them .
10 Such entry could be extremely disruptive to the tenant and the following proviso may be advisable : Anyone entering the Premises under any of the provisions contained in this Lease shall only do so if the purpose of such entry can not reasonably be achieved otherwise than by effecting entry on to the Premises and any person or persons entering the Premises pursuant to the provisions of this Lease shall cause the minimum of disturbance to the business being carried on in the Premises and shall not in any event prevent such business from being carried on and shall forthwith make good all damage caused by such entry
11 In the pubs the bar staff put the chairs upside down on the tables and shouted , ‘ Hurry up now , please , thank you . ’
12 When Camille had choked on an Aztec cuff-link , a sizeable piece of jewellery such as had then been fashionable , Constance 's mum had held her upside down by the ankles and banged her until she disgorged it , while Scarlet had knelt in the unutterable anguish of one about to be bereaved , determining to destroy herself without hesitation should Camille not survive the experience .
13 Violet pulled her mouth down at the corners and shrugged her skinny shoulders .
14 Here and there , they caught sight of a fluid red-gold figure in between the trees and once a huge oak tree seemed to bend forward as if inclining its head to inspect them .
15 They put the stranger down on the outskirts and left him standing in the middle of the road , his face in shadow under his cap and just a glimmer of those white , pebbly eyes .
16 Angus District in the Tayside Region is an area of general population loss especially in the glens and the highlands , but some pressure for commuter housing exists in the south near Dundee .
17 The first stanza homes in on the particulars but then , in the second , there is a general perspective given , on the whole world , dealing with a big issue .
18 This can be avoided , however , by ensuring plenty of cross ventilation in the roof all round the eaves and at the gable ends by means of visible gaps , air bricks or ventilators .
19 The latest developments , which are part of the transition from a state welfare model to that of a mixed economy , are likely to attract a similarly modest level of investment in monitoring and evaluation , and as a consequence we will certainly learn a great deal less from the reforms than might otherwise be the case .
20 His Nan always gets lollies in for the kids and they came in more than useful this time . ’
21 Besides — ’ again she pried her eyes away from the eyeglasses and looked at her cousin ‘ — in just a few minutes you are going to be transformed into a femme fatale .
22 The track itself is often obliterated and a large part of a rail man 's job is hacking ice and snow away from the points or the platforms between carriages .
23 As the socialists ceased to be politically irrelevant sects and emerged as worker armies , the violence in the air reflected the contest both of the classes and of the Great Powers , set , it seemed , inexorably on the lunatic road to 1914 .
24 It is a quiet and comfortable village to stop in , as I know from having stopped there , with good walks up into the hills and good fishing — for trout , which begin to come into their own around here as the mountain fish .
25 In both Byzantium and Islam the surface enrichment , though opposed in motivation and manner , draws the eyes up to the arches and the vaulting .
26 It was difficult to ask some months later about the events and personnel : most Zuwaya were understandably reticent and those who were more ready to talk were not always obviously reliable .
27 Yeah , but I wan na buy , it 's the same size as your bedroom up to the wardrobes and up to the door .
28 Labour says that although it would hand the opted-out schools back to the authorities that used to control them , it would protect them against discrimination .
29 Burning of the Dicranopteris , which acts as a nutrient-conservation system , leads to its shooting out from the rhizomes but trees can not get established .
30 Smashing the egg under the brake pedal , I got the car sideways through the Esses and left the track on the exit .
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