Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adj] [conj] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 All the children have had measles , all five , you can not imagine what hard work it is , day and night and their poor eyes so sore as well as the rash and the fever .
2 ‘ It is not easy to hang a fine suit from shoulders so broad and straight as yours , Major . ’
3 Then he seemed to reach a decision , his night-dark eyes more compelling than ever as he looked back at her .
4 There would be direct investment both inward and outward as different multinationals arrange their operations on a global basis instead of direct investment only in one direction resulting from the overall balance of the economy .
5 The Patrician cradled his chins in a beringed hand , and regarded the wizard with eyes as small and hard as beads .
6 There was no denying that the new corset had an impressive effect on her waist , but the dress disconcerted her — the first true evening dress she had ever had — because it left her shoulders quite bare as well as a considerable amount of — of , well , upper bosom , and all her arms .
7 He 'd bent to kiss the girl , warmly , said a laughing farewell , and weaved his way across to her through the crowd , his eyes faintly amused but cool as he assessed her contortions with the unruly material .
8 Mr Waldegrave should also point out that his reforms will make the NHS more equitable as well as more efficient .
9 During the whole of the thirteenth century the ancient castra specialia of the eleventh to twelfth centuries fulfilled their functions as military as well as administrative centres of the Papal State .
10 But she would not defend herself , by no means , and she answered him in tones as brusque and hard as his own .
11 Work is geared to making as many articles as possible as cheaply as possible .
12 The choice of Blondel , who here had to sing a full octave higher than he normally did , was undoubtedly intended to make the poor village Hymen sound utterly ridiculous as soon as he opened his mouth .
13 So what can be amiss with a torrent of intellectual change as imaginative and potentially as beneficent as that represented by the present condition of molecular biology ?
14 But if workmen are hammering outside your door , if the noise is intermittent and/or high-pitched , if you ca n't switch it off at will , you may find such noise psychologically distressing as well as distracting .
15 We seemed to send many searchers away happy as well as laden .
16 The chance that a random conglomeration of whale cells would swim , let alone swim as fast and efficiently as a whale actually does swim , is negligible .
17 And then how would I have felt , she asked herself as she hurled the jeep down the motorway , finding that I 'd fallen again for a man as cold and hard as that — finding out when it was too late what he was really like ?
18 ‘ You 'll be the death of me , Mr Loveitt , dammee if you wo n't , ’ she said , her voice as loud and hard as her laugh .
19 His voice as cold and hard as polished steel , Michele said , ‘ It was you who suggested I could have her eating out of my hand … ’
20 Willmott ( 1966 ) chose to use young Australians and New Zealanders in his research into the activities of adolescent boys , on the assumption that they would be seen by the boys as neutral as far as class and social background were concerned .
21 In a pointed reference to criticism of his refusal to rule out voting with the Government in the future , he said : ‘ Jim of all people should know that there are occasions when Labour as well as the Tories can act against the Scottish interest and therefore must be opposed . ’
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