Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] for [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When is a building sufficiently furnished for full habitation ?
2 Where was that traditional British reserve only abandoned for cloying camaraderie under the influence of injuriously vast quantities of alcohol ?
3 The great advantage over owning a holiday home in the normal way is that the buyer only pays for one week instead of fifty-two .
4 In addition , when applied two or three days prior to going on holiday , protective filters leave the skin better prepared for first exposure to the sun while preserving the natural qualities of the skin .
5 Voluntary organisations in many cases became the effective agents of enforcement , as well as pressure groups constantly campaigning for further intervention , and here they became quasi-state apparatuses , a pattern which had a long history .
6 Home responsibilities protection only counts for full tax years , which is a disadvantage , since most of us do not arrange our lives from April to April .
7 As our plans only allowed for one day on Mykines , we made the hølmur our main target , and after leaving our things in the empty house in which we had arranged to spend the night , we set off to follow the steep cliff path which leads to the bridge .
8 The ornaments recovered from Neolithic cemeteries in the Rhine and Danube basins show that the shells most favoured for personal adornment were those of the mussel Spondylus gaederopus from which were fashioned necklaces , pendants and bracelets .
9 1.1 Duty not to compete within the duration of the employment contract This aspect of the duty of fidelity requires the employee not to work for any person who is or who might be in competition with his employer during the working day .
10 LABOUR backbenchers yesterday called for two Cabinet ministers to explain how they allegedly spent £6,000 of taxpayers ' money on three urgent flights home from France , or repay the money .
11 Ford claims the new versions of the Ford Escort and the Mercury Tracer are the cleanest-running cars ever approved for mass production in the world .
12 Using a shampoo specially formulated for permed hair is one way to combat the damage caused .
13 Gorbachev also called for international regulation to protect zones with a " unique place in nature " , especially the Antarctic .
14 So shocking was the defeat that some of Levi 's supporters openly called for mass resignation from the Likud and the formation of their own independent list .
15 The breeder programme also lives for another year .
16 The US government 's efforts to create a long-term repository for nuclear waste have received a setback with the announcement that a deep underground salt chamber in New Mexico provisionally selected for this purpose may be close to collapse .
17 Imagine that a child has expressed some meaning with an innovative term , a , and that this meaning is identical to the one expressed by term b , the term conventionally used for that meaning by adults — e.g. , plant-man versus gardener .
18 ( Keep all the remaining black trimmings tightly wrapped for later use . )
19 Their work culminated in the drug Tagamet or cimetidine , soon widely adopted as the most effective remedy yet discovered for gastric overacidity and gastric and duodenal ulcers .
20 Here and here alone the bourgeois and even more the petty bourgeois family could maintain the illusion of a harmonious , hierarchic happiness , surrounded by the material artefacts which demonstrated it and made it possible , the dream-life which found its culminating expression in the domestic ritual systematically developed for this purpose , the celebration of Christmas .
21 Methods commonly used for such processing involve using transitional probabilities ( for example the Viterbi algorithm or Markov modelling ) , using information about how letters combine ( for example n-grams ) , using lexical look-up , or combinations of these .
22 Methods commonly used for such processing involve using transitional probabilities ( for example the Viterbi algorithm or Markov modelling ) , using information about how letters combine ( for example n-grams ) , using lexical look-up , or combinations of these .
23 Two months after the military crackdown in Beijing in June 1989 , it was announced that university student intake would be cut from 640,000 to 610,000 in the next academic year , and that " specialities mainly in the social science fields which the State has deemed for a long time to have turned out personnel not qualified for socialist construction " would be suspended .
24 For the purposes of s 287(1) , the meaning of the term should be confined to releases not given for full consideration , on the grounds that such a limitation was required by the context of s 287(1) itself and by the provisions of TA 1970 relating to company distributions as a whole ( ss 233–237 and 282–286 ) .
25 In view of the high profile nature of lifts in a hotel , the contracts normally include for special attention to be given to the cosmetics of the lift installation .
26 Meetings already arranged for this year include ‘ Changes in the wind — the end of the traditional British holiday ? ’ and ‘ The retail and catering consortium ’ .
27 Sums of money not required for immediate use can be put into a deposit account on which the bank will pay interest .
28 But the pastor only came for one service every two weeks even then , in the war . ’
29 FOREIGN type not permitted for this module header version .
30 By section 5 of the 1987 Act , the liability covered by Part I of the Act extends to : a ) death or personal injury , b ) damage to or destruction of any item of property ( including land ) other than the defective product itself ( there is a lower threshold of £275 before a claim can be made ) provided that the property ; i ) is the type normally intended for private use and consumption , and ii ) it is used mainly for the private use or consumption of the person claiming .
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