Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] went [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 No matter which coach you went on in the old days ( and the Brightside and Carbrook Co-op ones were the best ) there was always a shilling sweep for the biggest fish and another shilling for the best roach .
2 Labit and Sebastian Morizot were backing up and , when the sortie was checked , the ball was flipped out to Laurent Arbo who went over in the corner .
3 To avoid the heat of the day we went out in the mornings , waking while it was still dark .
4 ‘ Tuesday was the day he went off in the van and came back with a bruised face ; presumably you 've got a record of the people he called on that day ?
5 It was this message which went out in the eighteenth century , and became enshrined in the First Amendment to the American Constitution .
6 All of them failed , from the disastrous Purko Sheep Ranch , where the sheep died because the ranch was at too high an altitude , to the four big grazing schemes which went under in the drought of the early 1960s , when people from outside the schemes , under pressure of need , came in to graze on the permanent waters and massive erosion occurred .
7 Radulfus maintained his judicial calm , and the earl 's broad brow was suave and benign , though there was no guessing what went on in the highly intelligent mind behind it ; but Prior Robert and Sub-Prior Herluin sat very erect , stiff in the spine and with long , refined faces sharpened into steel , studiously not looking straight at each other , but maintaining each a bright gaze on distance , and the appearance of considering with magisterial detachment the situation that confronted them .
8 But Cadfael was certain by then that Herluin did not know his Tutilo at all , probably never had any clear idea what went on in the minds of any of his novices , because he paid no regard to them .
9 No , I mean , last time I went out would be erm well I 've been out in the afternoon a few times , with my boyfriend , but , the last time I went out in the evening
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